Establish a virtual network of linux machines

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132311738

Task - Practice Networking Commands

Task Summary
Learn and try various commands for viewing and setting up network information

Task Description
1. View and understand interface information with ifconfig
2. View interface configurations in /etc/network/interfaces
3. View routing tables with route
4. View network statistics with netstat
5. Perform DNS lookups with nslookup
6. Test connectivity with ping
7. Download web pages with wget
8. Browse web pages with lynx or elinks.

1. Record network addresses and other useful configuration details in a table. NOTE: Do this after completing the next activity task "networking in virtualbox"
2. Take a screenshot of accessing the CQU home page using a text-based web browser, saving as week6-screenshot-cqu.png.
Files for Activity Report
• ar2-answers.docx
• week6-screenshot-cqu.png

Task - Networking in VirtualBox
Task Summary
Establish a virtual network of Linux machines in VirtualBox
Commands and Programs
VirtualBox, ifconfig, route
Task Description
1. Clone a base Linux machine so that you have 3 Linux machines, named client, router, server.
2. Before starting the machines, in VirtualBox set the network settings using Internal networks on additional adapters so that you can establish a topology of: client <---> router <---> server
3. Take a screenshot of the router VirtualBox network adapter settings for one of the Internal network adapters. Save as week6-screenshot-adapter.png.
4. Start the machines and manually configure the IP addresses using /etc/network/interfaces or ifconfig
5. If necessary, manually configure the routing tables and IP forwarding
6. Test your network by pinging from client to server. Take a screenshot of the ping that demonstrates that the ping is indeed going from client to server via the router. Save as week6-screenshot-ping.png.
1. Draw a diagram of your network, labelling it with interface and address information, as well as routing tables.

Task - Deploy a Web Server
Task Summary
Deploy and configure web server software
Commands and Programs
Apache2, systemctl, openssl
Task Description
1. Install a common web server
2. View settings and configure the web server
3. Create several example web pages
4. Test the web server by accessing the web pages. Take a screenshot demonstrating the access and save as week7-screenshot-web.png.
5. View and understand the web server log. Save at least 3 log entries in the file week7-log-web.txt. The entries should demonstrate the web pages were accessed.
6. Create and install a digital certificate for your web server. Save the certificate as week7-certificate.pem.
7. Test the secure web server and view the log. Take a screenshot demonstrating the access and save as week7-screenshot-secure.png.

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both self-signed and authority-issued digital certificates for web servers.

Task - Manage Services with systemctl and Log Files
Task Summary
Use systemctl to manage services, as well as view log files

Commands and Programs
systemctl, /var/log/, lastlog, faillog

Task Description
1. Use systemctl to view the status of services such as apache2, ssh, networking, cron, rsyslog
2. Use systemctl to start, stop, restart, reload services such as: apache2, ssh
3. View log files in /var/log/ including: syslog, auth.log, and apache2/access.log
4. View binary log files using commands lastlog and faillog
Files for Activity Report
Extra Information and Resources
All services can be listed via:
systemctl list-units --type=service
The general format of a systemctl command is:
sudosystemctl [ status | start | stop | restart | reload ]servicename
where servicename can be found from the list-units command.
Log Files
Main log files, both text and binary, are explained by Ubuntu.

Task - Automate Tasks with crond
Task Summary
Automate tasks and specified times using crond

Commands and Programs
crontab, /etc/cron.d/

Task Description

1. Implement and test a user cron entry that downloads a specific web page at a regular interval.
2. Implement and test a system cron entry that regularly checks for the existence of the file updateme.txt in the directory www inside each users home, and if it exists, copies the contents of the directory to /var/www/username and deletes updateme.txt.
3. Implement and test a system cron entry that generates a weekly report of failed SSH login attempts, where the report contains failed attempts per day and the top 5 IP addresses that the failures come from.
You should use separate scripts for the weekly report and daily statistics, and submit three files named as:, and
See instructions on using SSH and logging for hints. See the partial solution, feel free to use it as a starter.
None (submit the files from the tasks).

Files for Activity Report

Extra Information and Resources
User crontab
Each user can setup their own cron entry using the command crontab. To edit:
crontab -e
To list:
crontab -l

System cron entries
On Ubuntu the recommended way to create system cron jobs is to put entries inside the following directories:

By putting normal shell scripts in these directories, the system will run them at the regular interval.
Alternatively, if you want fine-grained control of when to run an entry, put files inside /etc/cron.d/ directory. These files are similar to entries using crontab -e, but they have an additional field of the user, that is:
minute hour dayofmonth month dayofweek user command
Look in the files already in the above directories to see examples.

man pages and Websites
Relevant man pages include:

man cron
man crontab
man -S5 crontab
nixCraft has a series of howto articles on cron.

Task - Setup a Firewall with iptables

Task Summary
Design and deploy firewall rules using iptables
Commands and Programs
Task Description
1. Configure a test network with a client, router and server
2. On the client, set firewall rules to block the client from pinging the server. Explore the different chains that iptables provides.
3. Explore options for viewing, deleting and flushing rules with iptables. Delete all rules from the client.
4. On the router, implement and test rules that meet the following security requirements (the client is consider external, while the server is internal):
o Ping and other ICMP are not allowed between internal and external
o Ping to router is allowed
o SSH to server is allowed from just one external IP address (you can choose the IP address, but SSH must be blocked from other IPs)
o Access to the web server is allowed
o Access from external to internal servers is blocked (except as mentioned above)
5. Take a screenshot of your firewall blocking one example of a TCP based application. Save as week9-screenshot-blocked.png.
6. On the router, implement and test rules for stateful packet inspection (SPI).
7. On the router, implement and test rules for NAT.
8. Take a screenshot that demonstrates your firewall is successfully performing NAT. Save as week9-screenshot-nat.png.
9. Save your firewalls (including blocking, SPI and NAT) as week9-iptables-rules.txt.

1. Discuss the policies offered by iptables, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two main policies.
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using port numbers to identify applications in firewall rules.

Attachment:- Asignment - Detail requirement.rar

Reference no: EM132311738

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