Reference no: EM133096148
BSBMKG542 Establish and monitor the marketing mix - Rhodes College
You will be required to undertake ONE (1) assessment task in order to successfully complete this assessment. This Assessment will require you to demonstrate evidence of your ability to:
1. Report on activities undertaken to establish a marketing mix in an organisation, including information on each element of the mix, such as:
• customer service levels
• product or service distribution
• product or service pricing
• additional products or services, if any
• Product or service promotion
You are to prepare a report based on any one of the following scenarios:
• A Business idea/opportunity of your own choice
• A Business/organisation you are familiar with
• Your current workplace
• The Cupcake Bar scenario outlines in Appendix One
Your report will need to outline the activities you and your marketing team have undertaken to establish a marketing mix (for your chosen organisation) based on the development of a product or service offer. The chosen offer can be either based on a new product/service or on the stretch or extension of an existing product or service.
The particular activities you are expected to prepare on should include the following:
1. Product, Price, Promotional, Distribution and any other marketing mix variations
2. Expected customer service levels based on changes to any of the marketing mix variables
3. Evaluation of these variables against the chosen organisations:
• Marketing objectives
• Target market characteristics
• Desired positioning
4. Proposed methods to collect statistical data including actual statistical data on:
• Segmentation,
• Customer targeting
• Market positioning including the following components:
o Geographic
o Demographic
o Behavioural
o Psychographic
Your report should be prepared based on the above criteria.
- Report on activities undertaken to establish a marketing mix in an organisation, including information on each element of the mix, such as:
o customer service levels
o product or service distribution
o product or service pricing
o additional products or services, if any
o Product or service promotion
You are to prepare a written report based on any one of the following scenarios:
o a Business idea/opportunity of your own choice,
o A business/organisation you are familiar with
o Your current workplace
o The Cupcake Bar in Appendix One
In order to complete this assessment project, you can work either individually or in groups of between 2 and 4 students.
- Marketing Mix Written Report
The Trainer/Assessor may also modify the scenario to another product or service if it suits a particular student cohort. However, you must provide the same details as shown in the Scenario in Appendix One (i.e the type of information).
In setting up this assessment, please:
1. Set a date for this assessment
2. Advise students of the topic
3. Hand out and explain the Student Information
4. Assess the candidates' submissions / observations using the following checklist
You are to ensure each assessment is as conducted in a simulated work environment. This will require you to:
o Allow for distractions such as background noises, ringing telephones, etc. As this is a business service unit, a simulated environment may include a closed meeting room, office, or even the classroom (if it represents a working office environment).
o Ensure each student is dressed appropriately / professionally
o Ensure you act as a supervisor, and do not interfere with the assessment
o In the event that the assessment is looking to impact on the safety of a student or bystander, the assessment must be stopped immediately
Attachment:- Establish and monitor the marketing mix.rar