Essentials of business and administrative communication

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133408700


Practice/Discussion: Persuasive Writing

Read the following scenario and do the required task:

Scenario: In one room in the production department of Martin Electronics Company, employees work on TV picture tubes under conditions that are scarcely bearable due to the heat. Even when the temperature outside is only 23 degrees C, it is over 30 degrees C in the "monitor room." In June, July, and August, 24 out of 36 workers quit because they couldn't stand the heat. This turnover happens every summer.

In a far corner of the room sits a quality control inspector in front of a small fan (the only one in the room). The production workers, in contrast, are carrying 10 kg monitors. As production supervisor, you tried to get air conditioning two years ago, before Martin acquired the company, but management was horrified at the idea of spending $300,000 to insulate and air condition the warehouse (it is impractical to air condition the monitor room alone).

Inflation has pushed the price of insulation and air conditioning up to $500,000, but with such high turnover, you're losing money every summer.

Your task: Write the opening for a persuasive memo to Jennifer M. Kirkland, operations vice president, renewing your request. Then write a closing that cites reader benefits.


Locker, K. & Findlay, I. (2006). Essentials of business and administrative communication (Canadian Edition). Toronto, ON: McGraw - Hill Ryerson.

Reference no: EM133408700

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