Reference no: EM132577503
Essay Assignment -
Topic - Assess African Americans' Gains & Losses
Paper details: First page: Overall, how would you assess African Americans' gains and losses during the Revolutionary era? Consider the outcomes for patriots and loyalist, northerners and southerners, and free blacks and slaves. Who benefited the most and the least? What factors were responsible for these results? (p.120).
This response must consist of two-well constructed paragraphs of at least six complete sentences.
Two page: Identify a personal-challenge question. Submit to your instructor, in confidence, a personal question of critical concern into which you anticipate gaining insight during this course. The format for this submission is open; clarity, however, is of primary concern.
Page Three: Document Project - Question for Analysis
(a) What does these documents reveal about the authors' hopes for the war outcomes?
(b) What role does religion play in the antislavery arguments made by Wheatley and Hayne? (p.127).
Response(s) should be one-well constructed paragraph to each question with at least 6 complete sentences. Peer response(s) should be no less than one well-constructed paragraph of six-eight complete sentences.
Fourth Page: Base on the clip - Oprah Winfrey And Others DNA Results
This material offers viewpoints on the transition of African peoples in Africa to African peoples in the Americas.
Your response must include an extended thesis statement regarding the increasing influence of genetic testing.
Note - Pages: 4 double and Format: APA.
Attachment:- Essay - Assess African Americans' Gains & Losses.rar