Reference no: EM131713296 , Length: 3
Criminology Assignment - Reaction Essay to the CNN Documentary "Homicide in Hollenbeck"
In this assignment you will have to describe your reactions to the issues raised in the documentary and integrate theoretical material recently covered in the class in your discussion.
This assignment should closely follow the guidelines below and include the following parts:
(1) Introduction (one paragraph, 2-4 sentences)
Give a brief summary of the documentary that you watched making sure that in it you identify the criminological issues that are described in the documentary: e.g., what problems are discussed, what types of crimes are portrayed etc.
(2) Main Part (1-1.5 pages)
First, identify what theory of crime, in your opinion, most adequately explains the examples of criminal behavior portrayed in the documentary. Choose one theoretical school of thought from the two major groups of the sociological theories of crime that we have recently covered in class (strain and social learning) and one specific theory from the group you selected (see the list of group of theories and specific theories below). Then using some specific concepts from the theory you selected, argue why this theory explains the crimes discussed in the documentary well.
Second, make up and describe one possible policy or intervention one possible policy or intervention that is consistent with the theory you selected and can be used to prevent the types of crimes shown in the documentary.
(3) Conclusion (one paragraph, 3-5 sentences)
Include your evaluation and reaction (e.g., Were the issues presented convincingly? Was the coverage of issues adequate? Have you learned anything interesting from this documentary? Do you find any issues (or their coverage) especially surprising, illuminating, unique, outrageous etc.?).
- Strain Theories
- Anomie/strain
- Reaction formation
- Differential opportunity
- General Strain
- Social Learning Theories
- Differential Association
- Differential Opportunity
- Subcultural: lower class culture/ "focal concerns" and subculture-of-violence
- Social Learning