Reference no: EM133808541 , Length: Words Count:150
Using Gordon Wood's essay, "The American Revolution as a Radical Departure," answer one of the following: what does Wood mean by there being a shift from "subjects" to "citizens" in the colonies from the 17th to the 18th centuries (primarily for white colonists)? OR choose one of the following groups (white women, African Americans, and Native Americans) and describe at least two ways that the American Revolution helped change their lives for better or worse.
Gordon Wood's essay:
While it is fine to use any of the relevant sources from this Module and the course textbook in your response, as long as they are cited, responses to this forum MUST be based on the essay by historian Gordon Wood, excerpted as part of our course textbook, as indicated in the question.
Course Discussion Forums must:
1) be submitted in a timely manner.
2) Must include a minimum of 150 words, exclusive of parenthetical citations.
3) Must include a minimum of 2 parenthetical citations, only from class sources, including the specific source being asked about in the Forum question itself. Do not include a "Works Cited" or "Reference List."