Reference no: EM132808473
CRITICAL THINKING ESSAY ASSIGNMENT (The relevance of symbolic interactionism)
Symbolic interactionism can be applied to any human experience. This perspective describes everyday situations as well as complex social problems. It serves as an important guide to all of us seeking to understand ourselves and others, and it helps to explain how freedom is possible and society necessary.
For this assignment, approx pages (only a guide), you are to choose a topic concerning some aspect of Social life (that gives you a wide and diverse variety of topics).
You are to ANALYZE this topic using the Symbolic Interactionist perspective,Naturally, you will need to give an effective summary of the perspective before any application or analysis is possible.
There are various ways of doing this essay and you will have the opportunity to exercise your imagination and creativity. I also urge you to start early.
For example, suppose the topic you choose is Family Violence-you would need to research the topic in some depth and then offer some understanding of the issue through the perspective of Symbolic Interactionism.
The course is designed around this perspective, so you should have no problems with this assignment.
Please note:
You will be graded on style, organization and content. An excellent paper will have correct grammar, spelling, a clear thesis statement, well reasoned development of the thesis, and use of current library sources which must be documented using APA or MLA style.
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