Essay on job design only benefits employers

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131983611 , Length: word count:2000

Assessment - Management Principles - Individual Essay Writing


Write a persuasive academic essay on one of three given topics related to management theory. The essay will be written in accordance with the guidelines for writing academic essays in the Academic Learning Skills (ALS) student guide "Essay Writing".

You are required to submit the reference list and plan of your essay in week 6 in hard copy to your tutor for evaluation and feedback:

The argumentative essay must agree or disagree with one of the statements below:

a) In today's turbulent environment only organic organisational structures are effective.


b) Job design only benefits employers through increased job performance; it has no benefits for workers.


c) Diversity is a barrier to effective teamwork.

Your essay must include:

- At least five reference sources including the text book, none of which are internet sources, e.g. websites.

- Correct argumentative essay structure. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide "Essay Writing".

- Harvard referencing for any sources you use. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide "Referencing".

Reference no: EM131983611

Questions Cloud

Determine the current share price : Sea Side, Inc., just paid a dividend of $2.2 per share on its stock. The growth rate in dividends is expected to be a constant 4.3 percent per year indefinitely
Which major oil companies are conoco philips australia : Which major oil companies are Conoco Philips Australia competing with in Upstream Activities and Downstream Activities. Why should they focus more on upstream a
What could have been done to detect this act earlier : Summarize the events of a recent accounting. Consider what could have been done to detect this act earlier or to prevent it from happening in the first place.
Focus his band of merrymen in crusade : You have been hired as a consultant for Robin Hood to help him focus his band of merrymen in their crusade to free Sherwood Forrest from the injustices
Essay on job design only benefits employers : MGTP102 - Management Principles - Write a persuasive academic essay on one of three given topics related to management theory
Companies invest more in downstream activities : Why do most oil companies invest more in downstream activities? Wouldnt upstream activities be better?
What is impossible today would radically change the work : What is impossible today, but if it could be done, would radically change the work in Accounting? What are the biggest limitations?
Specific marketing or sales promotion : Think of a recent purchase that was made in the last year that was induced by a specific marketing or sales promotion. Help me decide on the type of promotion.
At what price must each aquarium be sold for seagulls : Seagull Inc. will produce 50,000 aquariums next year. Variable costs will equal 40% of dollar sales, while fixed costs total $100,000.



5/15/2018 8:17:21 AM

Referencing /20 No referencing is evident or, if done, is inconsistent and technically incorrect. No or minimal reference list, mixed styles. Basic and sound attempt to reference sources; may be some inconsistencies and technical errors in style. Reference list is generally complete with 1 or 2 references missing. Good attempt to reference sources; inconsistencies and technical errors in style. Few inaccuracies in reference list and all references listed. Very good attempt to reference sources; very minor inconsistencies and technical errors in style. Thorough and consistent reference list and all references listed. Professional level of referencing and acknowledgment; no errors of style evident. Thorough and consistent reference list and all references listed.


5/15/2018 8:17:17 AM

Language/ Presentation /20 Poor standard of writing. Word limit may not be adhered to. Minimum 1900 words in length. Basic and sound standard of writing; some errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling Good standard of writing; few errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling. Very good standard of writing; very few or minor errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling. Professional standard of writing; no errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling.


5/15/2018 8:17:05 AM

Structure /10 Topic, concepts are not clear in introduction. Material in the body is generally poorly sequenced. No discernible conclusion; no links to introduction. Topic, concepts are generally stated with some clarity in introduction. Material in body is generally logically sequenced; some weaknesses. Conclusion does not clearly summarise essay; links to introduction are not clear. Topic, concepts and are mostly clearly conveyed in introduction. Material in body is logically and clearly sequenced; few or minor weaknesses. Conclusion summarises essay; may be some weaknesses; generally clear links to intro. Topic, concepts are clearly outlined in introduction. Material in body is logically and clearly sequenced; very few or minor weaknesses. Conclusion mostly effectively summarises essay; with recommendations and clear links to introduction. Topic, concepts are clearly outlined in introduction. Material in body is logically and clearly sequenced; very minor, if any, weaknesses. Conclusion effectively summarises essay; with recommendations and clear links to introduction.


5/15/2018 8:17:01 AM

Information / Content /30 Essay lacks coherence; topic is poorly addressed; little analysis. Essay is generally coherent; topic is addressed; analyses in reasonable depth with some description. There are some inconsistencies and weaknesses with flow. Essay is coherent and flows well; topic is addressed quite thoroughly; analyses in considerable depth. There may be some inconsistencies and weaknesses with flow. Essay is very coherent and flows well; topic is addressed thoroughly; analyses in depth. There may be minor inconsistencies and weakness with flow. Professional work. Essay is very coherent and flows well; topic is addressed thoroughly; analyses in great depth. Very minor, if any, inconsistencies and weaknesses with flow.


5/15/2018 8:16:55 AM

Marking Criteria. Fail (0-9.9) Pass (10-12.5) Credit (13-14.5) Distinction (15-16.5) High Distinction (17-20) Research /20 Little evidence of research. Sources are missing, inappropriate, poorly integrated or lacking credibility. Lacks clear link of sources with essay. Text book and 4 other relevant sources. Basic use of sources to support ideas, generally well integrated, most sources are credible. May be weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/application. Research is generally thorough. Good use of sources to support ideas, mostly well integrated, sources are credible. May be weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/ application. Thorough research is indicated. Very good use of sources to support ideas, well integrated, sources are credible. May be minor weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/application. Thorough research is indicated. Professional use of sources to support ideas, well integrated, sources are credible. Very minor, if any, weaknesses with paraphrasing or integration/application.

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