Essay on Environmental Economics and Sustainability

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM132360130 , Length: word count:2500

Assignment -

Write an essay on given topic.

Topic - Environmental Economics and Sustainability.

The essay will be assessed for:

(a) Level of research on the topic

(b) Knowledge and application of the economic theory

(c) Consideration of all the arguments and coherent approach to problem solving

(d) Form (word count, structure, grammar)

These are some hints. You should follow them if they help you, but by all means if you feel like you have already mastered your writing skills, follow your way of doing things!

1. Start with reading literature.

2. Revise the theory on the subject you have chosen.

3. Carefully think about all the problem in its complexity. There are a lot of issues and concepts you should be able to easily apply to this topic.

4. NOTE: you can refer to Macro/Micro and areas of Environmental Economics that we have only referred to or that we have not done.

5. Graphs: make sure that your graphs are accurate, non trivial, original, although they are not indispensable, it is rare an economic paper does not need one!

7. Think about what your opinion is.

8. Make sure to start with a structure. Problem tree etc. It is important you think about what you are going to say before you start!

9. Write a skeleton of the paper in bullet points. This will help you structuring it. It is also the time when you start thinking about what is essential and what can be left behind.

10. Write up your paper. Disregard word count for the moment

11. Once you are done, make sure to add all the graphs that are necessary.

12. Add any figure/graph you think is useful, but make sure not to add fillers or overdo it.

Instructions: Need 2500 words and References style: Harvard.

Reference no: EM132360130

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Essay on Environmental Economics and Sustainability : Write an essay on given Topic - Environmental Economics and Sustainability. Make sure to start with a structure. Problem tree etc
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8/24/2019 4:01:10 AM

Instructions: Need 2500 words. References: Harvard. Share Grammarly report along with the solution. The essay has a (strict) limit of 2500 words +/- 10%. This excludes graphs and references, but includes footnotes. Look at the word count. Now it's time to see: Whether you need to trim down paragraphs and Whether you need to leave out some parts. If the paper is substantially shorter than 2500 words, you should go back to your original problem structure and see whether you have left anything important behind. Read your essay one more time, bearing in mind the assessment criteria. It is important that you are satisfied with ticking all the boxes.


8/24/2019 4:00:57 AM

If you want to make sure to score high, make sure to signpost well your work! Proof-read your essay. Form is an important part of communication and it is important that your essay is of academic level. Finish with writing up the reference section. It is important that you mention ALL your sources and that you do so appropriately. There are specific rules to this and you should make sure to follow them. Check again word count and one more read top to bottom. Make sure to add websites, articles (academic and not) At any point, discuss with a peer but make sure that your paper is your own work! Add word count at the end. Essays should be submitted in word format ONLY.

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