Essay on becoming an advocate of change

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133693262 , Length: word count:2500

Essay: Becoming an Advocate of Change: An Argument for the Greater Good

The Imperative of Integrating Financial Literacy into High School Curriculum

Topic: As our discussion of into the Wild has revealed, Chris McCandless not only wanted to change the wortd, but through his interactions with and influence on others, he actually did So. This is perhaps his lasting legacy. For essay number two, you will be carefully duilding an argument for a particular change. Please be sure that what you propose is specific. For instance, while saying that people should have more compassion is certainly true, it is much too broad in scope for this essay. A way to narrow the focus could be to present the argument that more people shouid actively volunteer at the community level. This is simply one example. You will be advocating a change which is important to you, something you genuinely believe in. Remember that essay three will be an extension of essay two, So please choose your topic wisely.


Length: 2000 to 2500 words


Six relevant and credible sources are required, four of which must be from the EBSCOhost

Include an APA 7 title page, in-text citations, and a reference page

Use standard English sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics

Reference no: EM133693262

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Essay on becoming an advocate of change : Essay on Becoming an Advocate of Change - The Imperative of Integrating Financial Literacy into High School Curriculum
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