Essay - communication in the workplace

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Reference no: EM132174739 , Length: word count:1500

Essay - Communication in the Workplace

Your essay should be 1500 words in length.

The aim of this assignment is to test your ability to apply theory to the context of a specific business situation.

Essay Question:

Communication is central to understanding organisational behaviour as it affects organisational performance and individual career prospects.

Select three organisations of your choice and identify some of the barriers to communication in these organisations. Evaluate each organisation's response to these barriers.


Many possible points can be discussed, including the following:

Barriers to communication might include power difference, gender differences, cultural diversity, individual perceptions, filtering, physical and psychological ‘noise', technology, etc.

Methods for improving communication might include commitment to this objective by chief executives, words backed by action, commitment to two-way communication, emphasis on face-to-face conversation, sharing information with subordinates, encouraging employees to share good and bad news, message to be targeted to the audience intended, etc.

1. Use a standard academic font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing between lines.

2. Each page of your assignment should have a header with your student ID number, module code (e.g. FC043) and the name of your class tutor. Do not write your name.

3. All pages should be numbered.

4. Include a title page consisting of the following information:

- Module Code (e.g. PM5042T)
- Class/Group: (e.g. Group A, Class 1)
- Module Title (e.g. Research Project)
- Assessment Title (e.g. literature review, Project Report etc)
- Assignment Title: (e.g. Add in your Research Title)
- Tutor Name: (name of tutor)
- Student GU ID Number: (please add yourgu ID number only and NOT your name)
- Date of Submission: (date)
- Word count

You may be penalised according to the GIC Assessment Rules if:
- You ignore the word limit set for the assignment. It is important that you submit work with reference to the word limit. If you deviate significantly from the stated word limit you may be penalised.

- You hand in your assignment later than the stated deadline. You must submit work for assessment by the stated deadline. If you do not, the following penalties for written work will apply:

(Unless there are valid reasons for the lateness (e.g. illness) and this is supported with an EEC form and evidence)

Reference no: EM132174739

Questions Cloud

Why are there not many dominantly-inherited disorders : Why are there not many dominantly-inherited disorders? (Think about the individual with a dominantly inherited disorder).
What are three different types of performance appraisals : What are three different types of performance appraisals that can be offered and how can they be applied to a training effort?
Reasons why microfinance can potentially benefit women : Provide at least three reasons why microfinance can potentially benefit women. Provide at least three reasons why, relative to men, women may be better.
Phase of the cell cycle : Cytokinesis/ Mitosis is the division of the nucleus into two nuclei while cytokinesis / mitosis is the division of one cell into two daughter cells.
Essay - communication in the workplace : PM025 Contemporary Organisational Behaviour - Communication in the Workplace aim of this assignment is to test your ability to apply theory to the context
What certain sentiments are conveyed : What perceptions might whites have had on colonized people based on the clues provided in this poem?
Include both qualitative and quantitative considerations : An approach to location analysis that can include both qualitative and quantitative considerations is:
Evaluate the merits of the given statement : Evaluate the merits of the following statement: "The only reason why a large majority of microfinance clients are women is because women are the main brokers.
You think contains that least opportunity for error : Describe what level of measurement is represented by each. Which method do you think contains that least opportunity for error?



11/23/2018 2:13:22 AM

Examples of collusion include a situation where a student: a. intentionally submits as entirely his or her own work, an essay or report written by another person. b. permits another candidate to copy all or part of their own work, knowing it is to be submitted as that other candidate's own work; c. allows another person to re-write large sections of the students’ work.


11/23/2018 2:13:16 AM

Please note that the following examples of collusion are considered as academic misconduct and, in the absence of hard evidence, you may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss your understanding of the work. If you do not attend such a meeting, tutors may use academic judgement to determine whether or not an offence has taken place.


11/23/2018 2:13:11 AM

Please be reminded that this must be written by you. If the level and sophistication of your language is considerably higher than other pieces of written work you have produced, it will be assumed that you were given unfair assistance and you will either be penalised for plagiarism or receive no credit for clarity of expression.


11/23/2018 2:13:05 AM

Number of Working Days Late Penalty Awarded 1 85% of original mark 2 80% of original mark 3 75% of original mark More than 3 Zero mark awarded


11/23/2018 2:13:00 AM

You may be penalised according to the GIC Assessment Rules if: • You ignore the word limit set for the assignment. It is important that you submit work with reference to the word limit. If you deviate significantly from the stated word limit you may be penalised. • You hand in your assignment later than the stated deadline. You must submit work for assessment by the stated deadline. If you do not, the following penalties for written work will apply: (Unless there are valid reasons for the lateness (e.g. illness) and this is supported with an EEC form and evidence)


11/23/2018 2:12:54 AM

1. Use a standard academic font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing between lines. 2. Each page of your assignment should have a header with your student ID number, module code (e.g. FC043) and the name of your class tutor. Do not write your name. 3. All pages should be numbered. 4. Include a title page consisting of the following information: • Module Code (e.g. PM5042T) • Class/Group: (e.g. Group A, Class 1) • Module Title (e.g. Research Project) • Assessment Title (e.g. literature review, Project Report etc) • Assignment Title: (e.g. Add in your Research Title) • Tutor Name: (name of tutor) • Student GU ID Number: (please add yourgu ID number only and NOT your name) • Date of Submission: (date)

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