Essay about reading online vs reading printed books

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Reference no: EM131432702

Argument essay about reading online vs reading printed books.

The essay shoud be with reading printed books,it should also have thiesis statment three claim with sporting detailsThere are many different ways to organize an argumentative essay. The most important thing to remember about an argumentative essay is that you must show both sides of a contentious issue. In other words, your topic must be debatable.

An argumentative essay is a good tool of persuasion because you show the reader:

1) You have considered both sides of the argument before choosing your position
2) You are able to anticipate and refute any opposing arguments.

Before you organize your essay, make sure that you have brainstormed both sides of the issue. Once you know what you want to say, the organization you choose should be whichever will best showcase your ideas.

Plan before you start!
Try a PRO vs. CON list to help you identify both sides of the issue:

Plan before you start!
Try a PRO vs. CON list to help you identify both sides of the issue:

Your thesis statement must reflect clearly the purpose of your essay assignment.
For example:

a) Objective stance: While many feel that a woman should have the freedom to choose whether or not to bear a child, others feel that terminating a pregnancy is immoral.

b) Taking a position: While many feel that terminating a pregnancy is immoral, the freedom to choose whether or not to bear a child should be every woman's right.

Before you start your essay, make sure that you have done sufficient research to present the argument fairly and judiciously. You will need to back up your claims, so make sure that you cite your sources!

Argumentative Essay: Point by Point
This organization works well if you would like to persuade a reader of your own opinion on the issue. If a lot of your argument directly counters your opponent's arguments, this organization can work very well.

o Explain the importance of the issue
o Summarize the opposing side's arguments very briefly
o Provide a thesis statement which recognizes your disagreement with the other side's argument and states your position clearly.

o Explain the importance of the issue
o Summarize the opposing side's arguments very briefly
o Provide a thesis statement which recognizes your disagreement with the other side's argument and states your position clearly.

Reference no: EM131432702

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