Esential factors of building sustainable hr capability

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131303867 , Length:

Case study: The role of Human Resource in making sustainable organisations according to page 35 and 36 of Human Resource Management in Australia (5th Ed.) by Kramar, Bartram, De Cieri, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, McGraw-Hill Australia).

- Reference Style: APA Style


The main purpose of this assessment is to help students to develop skills in the use of HRM theoriesand models in the analysis of a typical business situation. The assignment requires students to analyzethe current situation, identify and specify the organizational issues, and suggest practical and probablesolutions. The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give students the opportunity to enhance theirresearch, analysis, critical thinking and written communication skills, particularly in report writing.Description

Assessment taskneeds the writing a business report. It should include a comprehensive analysis ofthe current situation using HRM theory, models and frameworks. Students are expected to engage inextensive research within the academic literature relating to human resource management, particularly inthe areas of strategic HRM, employment relations, performance management and communication. Thereport should clearly explain various options available and analyze the consequences of those.

Related Factors (the concepts which you need to cover in your assignment according to the situation and questions):
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Ethical and Legal Context of HRM
- Job Design, Analysis, and HR Planning
- Employee Recruitment and Selection
- Performance Management


The assessment item is based on the case study titled

The role of Human Resource in creating sustainable organisations according tp Pages 35 and 36 of the textbook:Human Resource Management in Australia (5th Ed.) byKramar, Bartram, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, McGraw-Hill Australia

Read, and wiselyanalyze the case to prepare a business report which addresses all of the following questions:

- What set of actions would you suggest to the CEO in the first hospital as a method and way fordeveloping and improving the operation of HRM at the hospital?

- What are the key and esential factors of building sustainable HR capability?Content of the Report

Executive summary :( around 100 words)
Table of contents: List the page numbers for headings and sub headings of the report.

Introduction (approx. 100 words): The introduction consists of two or three paragraphs in which the aims, structure and methodology of the report are outlined. It states clearly the purpose or main task of the report and what the reader can expect to obtain from it. Important background information is included, such as why the report was initiated in the first place. Please include a thesis statement that clearly mentions the main purpose of the report. The introduction may mention previous reports and research projects if the present report builds on, or challenges them.

Headings and Subheadings (approx. 1600 to 1700 words): This section is also called main body of the assignment should present the evidence you have collected to support your arguments for the questions (with headings and sub headings).

The content of the report's main body should be formatted into logical sections by topic. It may be appropriate to format into sections according to major topics and then outline logical sub-topics with subsections (if needed). Each section should be preceded by a heading, and each sub-section should have a subheading. Different headings and sub headings can be used to organise arguments, answers to the assessment questions. Please use headings and sub headings logically to reflect your answers to questions clearly.

This is also the section of the report which will be analysed thoroughly by the examiner. Some general guidelines also include: (a) all figures (diagrams, pictures, drawings, charts, and so forth), and tables, should be labelled and numbered, (b) do not repeat ideas, arguments in subsequent headings and sub headings, and (c) try to maintain equal lengths for all headings and sub headings which also ensures that you have answered all questions equally. Please note that all answers to the assessment questions should be based on arguments, answers developed through research findings (references).

Recommendations (if needed) (approx. 100 words): Only include if the questions asked in the assessment require recommendations. This section can be in bullet format or descriptive.

Conclusion (approx. 100 words)


Refrence list have to be based on APA style and Cite at least twelve (17) relevant peer reviewed journal articles (minimum requirement).

Attachment:- HRM - Case study.rar

Verified Expert

The present solution is based on the concept of human resource management. The solution is based on a given case scenario in which the operational management within the organisational is failing due to lack of proper HRM framework. The solution thus include answers to the key points, their likely reason and a set of recommendation. The solution is prepared in APA format and is comprising of more than 2000 words.

Reference no: EM131303867

Questions Cloud

What is aggregate supply : In the new classical view, why can't firms distinguish between increases in the general price level and increases in the relative prices of their products?
What factors shift the short-run aggregate supply curve : Use the equation Y = YP + a(P - Pe ) to explain why in the new classical view, the short-run aggregate supply curve is positively sloped and the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical.
Difference between institutional and product advertising : What is the difference between institutional and product advertising?- What is the difference between competitive advertising and comparative advertising?
Calculated the download time for a specific movie : Apple iPhone engineers would like to know the mean time for movie downloads. They calculated the download time for a specific movie by 16 randomly selected iPhones, and the data is shown to the right. Assume all download time is normally distribut..
Esential factors of building sustainable hr capability : What set of actions would you suggest to the CEO in the first hospital as a method and way fordeveloping and improving the operation of HRM at the hospital and what are the key and esential factors of building sustainable HR capability?Content of t..
Describe the steps in developing a media plan : Why is it necessary to define advertising objectives?- What is an advertising platform, and how is it used?- Describe the steps in developing a media plan.
Which policymakers was romer referring to : Which policymakers was Romer referring to? Briefly explain why the government's spending more and taxing less increases aggregate demand.
What is the function of copy in an advertising message : What is the function of copy in an advertising message?- Discuss several ways to posttest the effectiveness of advertising.
Develop and showcase your technical writing skills : Develop and showcase your technical writing skills. Demonstrate quantitative and analytical skills as they pertain to the science of chemistry and it's impact on your daily life. Learn how to research scientific topics.



12/8/2016 7:32:28 AM

Thanks for looking. The point is as I am sure you know this assessment must be submitted on Turnitin to avoid plagiarism. So please make me sure to maintain the quality as last since the last time I did my assignment with your site, you put great efforts on that and i got really good marks. Is that possible to reduce the offered price a little?!


12/7/2016 2:44:07 AM

Notice: The answers must be written with supporting academic references) Refrence list have to be based on APA style and Cite at least twelve (17) relevant peer reviewed journal articles (minimum requirement).


12/7/2016 2:43:44 AM

Hello, Could you pleases have a look on my assessment and tell me if you are able to do the exact requirements of this task based on the attached file and also the cost for doing that.Thanks. • Length: 2000 words ± 10% (containing executive summary, introduction, heading and subheadings, recommendations and conclusion but excluding title page, reference list and appendixes) • Reference Style: APA Style • Document type: MS word document(Times New Roman and Font size 12)

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