Errors in the html code

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM1381065

Recognize the errors in the HTML code provided in work.html and work.css (download attached ZIP). Correct the code and create HTML comments explaining why the original code would not work properly, does not comply with the XHTML 1.0 strict standard, or is not an example of good coding practice.


<html xmlns="">
<title> Web Technologies Assignment for Week 2 </title>
<link ="assignment2.css" type="text/css" rel="css" />
<font face="Times New Roman" <font color="#008000">
<b>Message from the Vice Chancellor</b><br>
<p>I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone visiting our website. I hope you enjoy reading about the University's many strengths, as well as the exciting progress we are making in our drive to become a global research-intensive university.
<p>The University of Liverpool has a very proud and distinguished record of achievement which includes a heritage of 8 Nobel Laureates.
<p>World-class research excellence can be found in all of our Faculties and we are building an international network of partner institutions, to support our development as a global research-intensive university.
<p>The University of Liverpool excels when it comes to teaching. Our courses are at the forefront of knowledge, are often delivered by world leading experts and fully reflect our commitment to preparing students for the challenges of the 21st Century.

Reference no: EM1381065

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