Error conditions as compared to using exception handling

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13727765

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
You will need to store the details of a customer's order in a file so that you have a record of it and so that you can retrieve it for later use. Numerous errors can occur during input or output operations. There are two fundamentally different ways to handle these error conditions (or any error conditions). You can test for each condition before or after it occurs or you can use exception handling.

In your program, you will be using exception handling to deal with input or output errors. Discuss the following:

Question 1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of testing for error conditions as compared to using exception handling when performing input or output?

Question 2: Why have almost all programmers, in almost all cases, moved to using exception handling for input or output?

Question 3: In what situations other than input or output might you find exception handling useful? Could exception handling be the preferred approach to use for those situations as well?

Question 4: Write 2 more paragraphs that are an introduction and conclusion to this topic. Be sure to include your references and format your submission in APA format.

Reference no: EM13727765

Questions Cloud

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Health care manager of a community : If you are working as a health care manager of a community health center, how does your personal views and opinions on abortion could affect the care of patients that are requesting such a procedure?
Error conditions as compared to using exception handling : What are the advantages and disadvantages of testing for error conditions as compared to using exception handling when performing input or output?
Thinking and problem-solving skills : The need for thinking and problem-solving skills dominates our lives. Individuals must analyze problems in the workplace, at school, as a parent, and in many other daily situations. You have an opportunity to practice your problem-solving skills t..
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What were some of the industry factors that influenced rim : Research the history of RIM, specifically with an eye toward product development. What were some of the industry factors that influenced RIM
About the research proposal paper : With this assignment, you will develop the first section of your Research Proposal paper for this course. Your paper will follow the standard outline of the proposal for the Directed Research Project (DRP).


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