Equilibrium ?price?and? quantity

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM136860

Q. Consider ?the ?following ?market ?for ?a ?single ?good ?X ?with? two? firms ?that compete ?via? price? (Bertrand).?You? are ?given ?that ?P?=?30-3Q.

a) ?Suppose ?initially ?that ?both ?firms ?have ?unlimited? capacities ?and? marginal? cost? of? 3.?What ?is? the? resulting? equilibrium? price? and ?total?quantity? in? the ?market? ??Prove ?your? answer.

b) ?Now? suppose? that? the ?first ?firm? has? a ?capacity ?of ?2 ?and? the? second? firm? has ?a ?capacity ?of ?4.? What? is? the? resulting ?equilibrium ?price?and? quantity? for? each? firm ?and? for ?the? market? as ?a? whole??Prove ?your ?result.

Reference no: EM136860

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