Reference no: EM133255803
01. According to the National Center for Women & Policing (2003), what is the percent of sworn law enforcement positions filled by women in small and rural police department and the percent in large agencies? A) 5% & 20% B) 3% & 8% C) 8.1% & 12.7% D) 6.7% & 18.2%.
02. As early as what YEAR, Quaker women entered penal institutions to provide religious and secular training for women inmates? A) 1757 B) 1820 C) 1900 D) 1920.
03. What is considered the TRADITIONAL Female role, specific to women in American Policing? A) Tough and Aggressive B) Sweet and Kind C) Difficult and Talkative D) Nurturer and Caregiver.
04. In New York City, full-time police matrons were hired as early as: A) 1780 B) 1845 C) 1870 D) 1900.
05. What effect did the 1965 President Lyndon Johnson's Commission on Law Enforcement have as it pertained to Women in Policing? A) Called for a narrowing of Women recruitment B) Called for the abolishment of Women in policing C) Called for a widening of Women recruitment D) Called for a flexible work schedule for Women who have children.
06. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA) passed by Congress in March 1972: A) Prohibited employment discrimination B) Exhibited zero tolerance of women and minorities C) Permitted employment biases D) Allowed for sexual harassment to be investigated.
07. Policing currently remains a dominance of: A) Defendants B) Detectives C) Females 2 D) Males.
08. The Media stereotype of the Male Police Officer is: A) Courteous and Authoritative B) Physical and Intelligent C) Dumb and Stupid D) Brilliant and Kind.
09. Society's attitude about Women in Policing is: A) Slowly changing B) Quickly changing C) Unchanged D) Suggestive.
10. Define: Consent Decree