Eplain how you can use a cve number to learn more about

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13463859

1- When you should test Web applications for known vulnerabilities? Provide at least two examples using the SDLC phases

2- Identify and describe three different types of Web application tests that can be demonstrated using the Damn Vulnerable Web Application tool.

3- Explain how you can use a CVE number to learn more about recommended countermeasures and safeguards for the identified vulnerability

4- Briefly describe how a SQL injection attack can be used to compromise the confidentiality of information stored in a database

5- Briefly describe how a cross-site scripting attack can be used to compromise the confidentiality of information stored in a database

6- Why should Web applications be tested for known vulnerabilities both

(a) before and

(b) after being released into the production environment?

You must address both types of testing in your answer

Reference no: EM13463859

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