Reference no: EM133746981
Mr. Green, a 12-year-old male, was referred to the neurology clinic by his school teacher due to episodes of staring spells. According to his teacher, Mr. Green would suddenly stop engaging in activities, stare blankly into space for about 10 to 15 seconds, and then resume normal activities without any recollection of the event. The episodes occurred several times a day, both at school and at home. Mr. Green's parents reported no other associated symptoms during these episodes, such as convulsions, muscle stiffness, or urinary incontinence.
1. What would be the possible differential diagnosis for the case described above?
2. What physical findings would you find?
3. What types of imaging services would this patient require, and what would the imaging report look like?
4. What laboratory findings would you find on this patient?
5. What types of treatment would you provide for this patient?
6. What are some of the possible sequelae for the case described above?