Epic of gilgamesh

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM13209234

Question 1 

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, what happened to the plant of rejuvenation given to Gilgamesh by Utanapishtim?

Gilgamesh ate it.

A snake carried it off.

Utanapishtim's wife stole it for herself.

Gilgamesh gave it to Urshanabi, the ferryman.

Question 2 

According to Thucydides, Athens fell to Sparta because

Sparta was a more perfect democracy.

the Athenians used slaves as soldiers instead of free citizens.

the Athenian attack on Syracuse was an example of hubris.

it was the fate of Athens in payment for the Trojan War.

Question 3 

The African people from the south of Egypt, who ruled during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty and are noted for bestowing great wealth and authority upon royal women, were the



Nubians (Kushites).


Question 4 

Which statement about Troy and the Trojan War is incorrect?

The war really happened, but it was fought for economic reasons.

The war was fought around 1200 B.C.

Troy was located in Greece and was later renamed Athens.

The king of Troy was named Priam and his son was Paris.

Question 5 

The south side of the Erechtheum includes a porch with columns, called caryatids, in the form of





Question 6 

In Greek architecture the two most important "orders" were

Metope and Triglyph.

Doric and Ionic.

Abacus and Echinus.

Spartan and Athenian.

Question 7 

The New Kingdom began at the end of the Seventeenth Dynasty when

King Tutankhamen was crowned.

Queen Hatshepsut ruled.

the Greek historian, Herodotus, made his visit to Egypt.

the Hyksos invaders were finally expelled from Egypt.

Question 8 

Unlike the later Greek sculpture, Egyptian sculpture conveys

a sense of abstract beauty.

obvious wrinkles, blemishes, and other realistic effects.

a spirit of ecstatic union with the divine.

the personality and presence of the figure.

Question 9 

Homer's Odyssey depicts the long and adventurous return home of the hero of the Trojan horse episode,





Question 10 

Cronos was deposed by his son ____________ who became lord of the heavens.





Question 11 

Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War is conceived in terms related to

Athenian virtue.

classical tragedy.

historical necessity.

the importance of naval warfare.

Question 12 

During the Archaic period in Greece in which the political unit of the city-state, or polis, was formed, the government that evolved was called

a plutocracy.

a democracy.

an aristocracy.

an oligarchy.

Question 13 

During the period of history in which Egyptian culture flourished, known as the ______________ period, the sun god Aten was worshiped, and Egypt was very prosperous and powerful.





Question 14 

In Athens, all policy decisions and laws were made by the

Assembly of the People.

Council of Five Hundred.

Council of Elders.

Assembly of the Just.

Question 15 

Which statement about the Nubian kingdom of Kush is incorrect?

Queen mothers played an important role in selection of the king.

The kingdom founded by Kashta survived for over a thousand years.

A Nubian king conquered Egypt and ruled for fifty years.

Social class structure was based on occupation and education.

Question 16 

Which statement about Egyptian religion is correct?

Most gods were fierce and warlike.

Beliefs evolved in a simple and logical way over time.

Gods were often adopted from other cultures or combined.

The goddess Maat represented the sun and had many temples.

Question 17 

The Egyptian goddess ______________ was a personification of the abstract concepts of truth and justice.





Question 18 

The first tragedian whose works are known to us is





Question 19 

What general statement could you make about the laws regarding recompense for injuries in The Hammurabi Code?

People paid the same fine, regardless of the severity of injury.

The law code distinguished between intentional and unintentional injury.

Compensation differed depending on the worth of the person injured.

All of the above are true.

Question 20 

In Akhenaton's The Great Hymn to the Aten, Akhenaton is described

as son of the One God.

in terms of the sun.

as the creator of life.

as all of the above.

Question 21 
What is known about the use of music in Sumerian society?

Professional musicians held frequent public concerts.

Music was used in daily temple rites and accompanied poetry readings.

Words as well as melodies were recorded in cuneiform writing.

There was a highly developed system of musical notation.

Question 22 

At the end of the Peloponnesian War, Athens was defeated by





Question 23 

The cultivation of wheat and barley allowed people for the first time to

live in permanent shelters and domesticate animals.

keep constantly moving

navigate rivers.

live by hunting and gathering.

Question 24 

Fifth-century B.C. Greek sculpture may best be described as





Question 25 
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the story of Utanapishtim and his wife is very similar to the story of

Homer's Iliad.

Buddha's quest for enlightenment.

Noah's ark in the Hebrew scriptures.

Mary and Joseph in the Gospel of Saint Luke.

Question 26 
Greek culture owed debts to the civilization(s) of



Egypt and China.

Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Question 27 
The Greeks maintained that an individual had choices to make and a pattern of life to fulfill, called





Question 28 
The term for a drawing of any building that shows in outline the walls, openings, and supports is a


ground plan.


sight line.

Question 29 
One of the first female nude sculptures is the fourth-century B.C. Cnidian

water nymph.




Question 30 
Throughout the Iliad, the following three levels of interpretation are intertwined:

humankind, the gods, and spirits of nature.

internal, external, and universal.

love, hate, and indifference.

individual, collective, and cosmic.

Question 31 
The Parthenon was constructed after the Athenian victory over





Question 32 
After the Assyrian and Persian invasions during the seventh and sixth centuries B.C., the next foreign rulers of Egypt were the





Question 33 
The type of Greek column with the least decoration on the capital is the





Question 34 
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the hero is

thought to be divine.

an ordinary man.

thought to be two-thirds divine and one-third human.

half lion, half man.

Question 35 
The ____________ period of Greek culture followed the Mycenaean age.





Question 36 
In Book 6 of the Iliad, the Trojan Adrestos asks for mercy from Menelaos, and Agamemnon tells Menelaos that he should

ask for a larger ransom.

accept the ransom offered by Adrestos.

let no Trojan live for any reason.

letAdrestos live as an act of clemency.

Question 37 
The sculptor _______________ chose the subjects to be illustrated on the Parthenon.





Question 38 
The most important architectural structure of Egypt's Old Kingdom was the



rock-cut temple.


Question 39 
Where did the earliest Greek civilization develop?

on Crete

in Egypt

in Troy

in Macedonia

Question 40 
In Sumer symbolic mountains called ______________ were constructed, featuring a temple on the top.





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Reference no: EM13209234

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