Reference no: EM132411560
ENVE 441 - Water Treatment Engineering Assignment
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering - San Diego State University, USA
A new community near Bonita in San Diego County requires a water treatment plant (WTP) that meets current regulations. You have been assigned to design the basic water treatment processes for a 4 mgd conventional WTP with UV disinfection (rapid mix, coagulation, sedimentation, rapid sand filter, and UV/chlorine disinfection). The peak flow to average flow ratio is 1.55:1 for purposes of determining the number of treatment trains. The WTP uses Sweetwater Reservoir as its source water with characteristics listed on the next page. Design temperature range 5oC to 25oC. The geology limits basin depth to 25 feet.
For this project, you will prepare a report on the design of the WTP processes. Include any necessary design criteria, chemicals, and calculations to design and size the processes. This is an independent research project; you are expected to review available reference information and determine the appropriate formula for sizing the processes on an individual basis.
The report should conform to the following requirements:
1. The report must be written using Microsoft office or other word processing software.
2. The report should include one cover page, at least two pages of text (12 point font, single spaced), a process schematic with chemical addition indicated, a plan view showing treatment trains, meq/L table, meq/L liter bar chart, water quality table (influent vs. MCL), a summary table with design criteria and process dimensions for each process, chemical equations, at least one photo, at least one calculation page, and one reference page. Minimum is 6 total pages.
Suggested Format -
Introduction - Discuss the WTP type and capacity, determine the number of treatment trains, draw the process schematic with chemical addition locations indicated, draw a simple plan view with treatment trains. (text, schematic, plan view) (can be hand drawn).
Water Quality - prepare the influent water quality table to calculate milliequivalent per liter, draw the milliequivalent per liter bar chart, calculate hardness; list regulatory requirements MCL versus actual influent water quality in a table and indicate whether each constituent complies (water quality table, meq/L bar chart, MCL table vs. influent).
Process Descriptions - Briefly discuss the function of each process. What does it involve? How does it work? List Chemical Equations for chemicals added (text, chemical equations, photo).
Design Criteria - List the criteria used to design and size each process (summary table).
Size Process - Size each process (summary table/calculations).
References - List your references (reference page).
Process Sizing Requirements -
Rapid Mix - Volume, Length, Width, Depth, G, mixer hp, chemicals required(use L=W=D)
Flocculation - Volume, Length, Width, Depth, Detention Time, Velocity, G, mixer hp
Sedimentation - Volume, Length, Width, Depth, Detention Time, Velocity, Overflow Rate, Weir Length, Number of Weirs, Traveling Bridge or Chain-and-Flight
Rapid Sand Filter - Filtration Rate, Media Diameter, Bed Depth, Required Head, Length, Width, Depth, Quantity of Backwash Water, Percentage Used for Backwash Water
Disinfection - Chlorine Contact Basin: determine Concentration, Contact Time, Length, Width, and Depth. UV Basin: determine Number/Location of Lamps, Exposure Time, Power Usage, Length, Width, and Depth.
Attachment:- Water Treatment Engineering Assignment File.rar