Reference no: EM132916038
Humber - Faculty of Business
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Planning
- Business Idea/Concept Proposal
Create a proposal document that addresses all of the elements indicated below. This should be a formal business document that you would present to a prospective business associate or financier, so format and appearance are important. Be sure to address each item/question with sufficient detail. Must be located in Canada-preferably Ontario; requires no more than $100,000 in start-up capital; Must have a physical location (Bricks & Mortar - Can NOT be an ONLINE ONLY business); Must be a legal business in the jurisdiction where it is located. For this course, simple is better; try not to overcomplicate your concept by offering too many products or services.
1. Generally describe your business Idea.
2. What are the actual product or service offerings that you will sell (be specific)?
3. Why did you choose this idea for a business?
4. Where did the idea come from?
5. Describe as much as possible, who will be your customers.
6. What abilities do you have that will enable you to do this business?
7. How much money do you think it will cost to start this business and where will this money come from?
8. In addition to money, what other resources do you require to start/carry on this business?
9. What do think will be the total $-amount of your sales in the first week, first month and first year of your business?
10. Who else might you need to involve in starting up this business?
11. On a scale of 1 to 6 with 6 being very profitable, what do you feel is the success potential for this business idea?
1 2 3 4 5 6
12. Why do you believe this to be and how did you arrive at this judgment?