Entrepreneur research assignment

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Reference no: EM13331430

1. Entrepreneur Research Assignment– Entrepreneur Research Assignment

You are to research ONE successful entrepreneur that you admire and find interesting. You may choose from one of the following if you would like, or you can select your own entrepreneur (with instructor approval) to research. This paper must follow APA formatting and should be approximatelythree pages in length, excluding the title and references pages. Please provide information on the lives, accomplishments, and traits of the chosen entrepreneur. POINTS: 100 TOTAL

The format should consist of:

a) Introduction –hook or attention getter, or thesis

b) Background info– what they did before they became an entrepreneur and what prompted them to start their own business

c) What good or service did this entrepreneur start, where and when?

d) Why was it successful? What was produced? How was it produced? Who was it produced for?

e) Explain the characteristics of the entrepreneur that helped them to be successful.

f) What challenges did they face along the way?

g) Final thoughts or conclusion- what can you learn from them


Entrepreneur List

1. Henry Ford –Ford Motor Company

2. Bill Gates–Microsoft

3. Sean Combs – Bad Boy Entertainment

4. Oprah Winfrey – Harpo Productions

5. Walt Disney – Walt Disney Company

6. John Rockfeller – Standard Oil

7. Sam Walton – WalMart

8. Michael Dell – Dell Computer

9. Philip H. Knight – Nike

10. Russell Simmons – Rush Communications

11. Richard Branson – Virgin Group

12. Simon Cowell –American Idol

13. Ray Kroc–McDonalds

14. Dave Thomas–Wendy’s

15. Glen Bell – Taco Bell

16. Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield – Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream

17. Steve Jobs – Apple Computer

18. Steve Case – America Online (AOL)

19. Sergey Brin & Larry Page –Google

20. Anita Roddick – The Body Shop

21. Howard Schultz–Starbucks

22. Martha Stewart – MLSO

23. Mary Kay Ash – Mary Kay Cosmetics

24. Calvin Klein – Calvin Klein

25. Fred Smith – FedEx

26. Bernie Marcus & Arthur Blank – Home Depot

Reference no: EM13331430

Questions Cloud

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Entrepreneur research assignment : You are to research ONE successful entrepreneur that you admire and find interesting. You may choose from one of the following if you would like, or you can select your own entrepreneur (with instructor approval) to research. This paper must follow A..
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