Reference no: EM131181714
Enterprise social computing
The dynamic nature of user-generated content, enabled by Web 2.0, has given rise to several relatively new Internet trends and freely accessible information. Already, you likely experienced some of these trends in your prior personal use of Web 2.0, and you are certainly experiencing the freely accessible information of Web 2.0 via your Group Project. However, there is a third area that Web 2.0 significantly impacts: enterprise social computing. As an employer, employee and ISM (information security management) professional, enterprise social computing can potentially impact all communications within a company.
In this Module, you have two Assignments, which are extended projects. Each is a case study of the enterprise (company) you work for, and they commence in Weeks 3 and 5, respectively. The projects will be assessed in Weeks 4 and 6, respectively. Both extended Assignments will become a Week 8 Discussion question submittal. For this first individual project Assignment, consider all the ways you send and receive communications, or otherwise socially compute, within your company. Then analyse the potential uses of blogging Web sites, wikis, podcasts and feeds for enterprise social computing within that company. What do you use these mediums for? How do you think they will be used in the future? Do they have any business applications? Ruminate on these questions as you perform your research and analyses.
To complete this Assignment:
By Day 7 of Week 4, submit a paper in which you analyse the use, and potential use, of blogging Web sites, wikis, podcasts and feeds (during Week 3, focus on blogging Web sites and wikis; during Week 4, focus on podcasts and feeds). The usage should focus on internal communications of the work environment of a company at which you work/worked. In your analysis, explain how blogging Web sites, wikis, podcasts and feeds could potentially be used for internal communication in your work environment. Explain why you think this and support your position with examples from your own research of how other companies are using blogging Web sites, wikis, podcasts and feeds.
Your paper must be divided into four sections: Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Feeds. Each section must be three or four paragraphs, with the total length of the paper being 12-16 paragraphs. Additionally, you must include at least one citation from this Week's Learning Resources, one supporting citation from recent research and examples from your personal observations.
Limit words:1000 words
Lecture Notes (Required)
Laureate Education (2014)Week 4 lecture notes[Video, Online]. [Accessed: 17 September, 2014].
Resources (Required)
Shelly, G. & Frydenberg, M. (2011) Web 2.0: concepts and application. Boston: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.
· Chapter 3, ‘Syndicating content'
For dummies (n.d.) How to create a podcast [Video, Online]. Available from: 6 November 2015).
Friis Dam, R. & Soegaard, M. (2011)Social computing video 3- face-to-face interaction as inspiration for designing social computing systems[Youtube Video, Online]. Available from: 05 October 2015).
Note: Please selectSocial computing video 3 - face-to-face interaction as inspiration for designing social computing systemss
Attachment:- Enterprise-social-computing.rar
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