Reference no: EM132585318
Decision Making
A. Minitrex Case Study---100 points
Read the CRM at Minitrex Case Study on pages 243-245 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.
B. Datatronics Case Study---100 points
Read the Customer Service at Datatronics Case Study on pages 246-250 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.
2. Analyzing & Visualizing Data 250 words.
Initial Post
• Data representation is the act displaying the visual form of your data. The process of identifying the most effective and appropriate solution for representing our data is unquestionably the most important feature of our visualization design. Working on this layer involves making decisions that cut across the artistic and scientific foundations of the field.
• Here we find ourselves face-to-face with the demands of achieving that ideal harmony of form and function that was outlined in Chapter 6, Data Representation. We need to achieve the elegance of a design that aesthetically suits our intent and the functional behavior required to fulfill the effective imparting of information.
• According to Kirk 2016, in order to dissect the importance of data representation, we are going to "look at it from both theoretical and pragmatic perspectives." Choose three of the storytelling techniques (Pages 161 - 209) in which data is presented and stories are being interpreted. Discuss the importance and the advantages of using these techniques. Provide an example of each technique.----3 replies 100 words each be specific.
• Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.
3. Managing in a Global Enviro-- 600 words
Essay-The World Trading System Under Threat
4. Blockchain Development
Discussion Week 6 - Business Networks
In chapter 6, the author describes basic components of a business network. Create a new thread, choose one of the types of participants discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think the chosen participant type could effectively use assets in an enterprise blockchain environment to impact the organization's outcomes.
Then think of three questions you'd like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 5 or 6. You're not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.
You must do the following:
1) As indicated above, choose one of the types of participants discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think the chosen participant type could effectively use assets in an enterprise blockchain environment to impact the organization's outcomes. Then think of three questions you'd like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 5 or 6. You're not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.----- 3 replies 100 words each be specific+3 replies 100 words each be specific+3 replies 100 words each be specific.
5. Strategic Decision Making - 500 words.
Go to the end of Chapter 5 and do Exercise 5B "Should Coca-Cola, Build, Borrow, or Buy in2020 -2021?" Steps 1, 2, and 3 (minimum of one-page assignment). (When accessing Coca-Cola's website, you'll have to click on "Press Center,".) Then go to the end of Chapter 6 and do Exercise 6A "Perform a SWOT Analysis for Coca-Cola" as an individual, one-page assignment. After completing Exercises 5B and 6A, submit your assignment in the discussion forum for this week. Then type two peer replies (200-word minimum each) attempting to refine your strategies and your SWOT. ----2 replies 200 words each.
6. Enterprise Risk Management - 250 words
Chapter 9 presented the argument for university settings to use ERM. Chapter 12 presented the approach Intuit used to implement ERM. Compare the two use cases and discuss similarities and differences. Do you agree with the approaches to implement an ERM and why? If you could change anything about the reasons to implement ERM in these case studies what would that be and why? Would you implement the same ERM approaches in your current organization (or future organization)?
To complete this assignment, you must do the following:
As indicated above, compare the use cases, make recommendations and determine if it can be implemented in your current or future organizations.----2replies 100 words each one
7. Emerging Threats &Countermeas - 250 words
Week 5 discussion
In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation's financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be cancelled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers; and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Identify the countermeasures that need to be implemented to prevent these cyber attacks from occurring in the future.
Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.
You must do this following:
1) discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.
Attachment:- Datatronics Case Study.rar