Enterprise network system management by the installation

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131653604

Individual Report of group based implementation, and demonstration within group testing individual understanding.

Assessment - Enterprise Network system management by the installation, configuration and management of Domain Controllers (DC).

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with system management experiences to address the need of modern organisations. After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:
a. Apply standard and emerging tools and techniques for system management.
b. Develop and configure server architecture within the context of constantly changing modern industry requirements.
c. Manage servers and resources to support enterprise information systems
d. Install, configure, monitor, test, troubleshoot and manage various servers for an organisation.

Assignment Description

Choose one scenario from the list given below, and carry out the following tasks:

1. Find your group mates who have selected the same scenario. Each group should not be more than three members, two are acceptable.

2. Identify required configurations for your chosen scenario, and perform the configurations using either virtually or physically installed OS to realise the scenario. Students can use Windows Server 2008 or any other higher version.

3. Prepare a detailed system documentation report (individually written, but screenshots can be same within the group) of the configurations using description of each step, and screenshots of your configurations. This report will serve as an important part of backup and disaster recovery documentation for the organisation given in your chosen scenario, and can be used for training new IT staff in the organisation.

4. This is due on Week-11 on moodle.

5. Use your configured system to demonstrate in group the implemented scenario during your week-12 lab. Individual understanding will be tested during the demo.

This report should contain the following:

1. Clear identification of what technology/features will need to be configured in order to realise your chosen scenario.

2. The important steps of how the scenario was implemented/configured with each technology/features that you have identified, along with labelled screenshots.

3. Students must configure the domain using either his/her own name, or a group member's name.

4. Students must create a simple webpage (using header tag only) to display the student ID numbers of the group members, which shall be stored on and displayed from the created IIS (web server).


Scenario 1: Local Area Network (LAN) to support Windows Server and Client Environment

TridentS is a software development company requiring the setting up of a LAN for their office located in Sydney. They have four departments: Developers, Marketing, Operations, and Finance. All objects (e.g., users, computers, etc.) belonging to these departments need to be created within their respective OU for their own department. TridentS requires the following technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1) Centralised user authentication

2) Print server for users

3) All computers should acquire the IP addresses from a DHCP Server

4) TridentS needs to host a website, thus a separate IIS server is required

5) The company wants to store all the files on a separate file server and only users with appropriate access will be able to access them (not every user should have access to the files). You can assume which users/groups will have access to these files, and state your assumption clearly.

Scenario 2: Increasing LAN efficiency using a Backup Domain Controller (BDC)

In order to increase the efficiency of its organisational LAN, SuperAd- a company in the advertising business, requires you to add a backup domain controller (RODC/BDC) in addition to a domain controller, so that it can provide all the services in case of a failure of the primary domain controller (RWDC/PDC). In order to implement this, there should be auto synchronisation between the primary domain controller and the backup domain controller. SuperAd requires the following technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1. Centralised user authentication

2. All computers should acquire an IP addresses from a DHCP Server

3. The Company should host a website, so a separate IIS server is also required

4. A backup domain server, capable of displaying the changes made in the primary domain controller.

Scenario 3: Local Area Network (LAN) to support Windows Sever and Linux Client Environment

With the growing base of users of Linux, EduTech, a company planning to create Windows server based LAN decided to also support the Linux clients to authenticate using the Active Directory. The company has three different departments named Operations, Finance and Marketing. All objects (e.g., users, computers, etc.) belong to these departments should have their own different OU. The Clients require the following technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1. Centralised user authentication support for Linux clients

2. All computers should acquire IP addresses from a DHCP Server

3. The Company should host a website, so a separate IIS server is also required

4. Hyper-V

Scenario 4: Setting up technology/features for Linux Server and Windows Client Environment

A Melbourne based company is looking at setting up a LAN for their office. They have three different departments named Production, Finance, and Marketing. All objects (e.g., users, computers, etc.) belonging to these departments should have their own different OU. The users require the following technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1. The client wants to use the Linux operating system as a server side operating system with the LDAP/SAMBA service to communication between windows client machines and a Linux server

2. Centralised user authentication for Windows clients

3. The company wants to store all the files on a separate file server and only users with appropriate access will be able to access them (not every user should have access to the files). You can assume which users/groups will have access to these files, and state your assumption clearly.

Scenario 5: Local Area Network (LAN) to support Windows Server with multiple domains

A company needs to setup a LAN for the main office which is located in Perth. They have three different departments named Operations, Management and Marketing. All objects (e.g., users, computers, etc.) belonging to those departments should have their own OU. The Clients require the following technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1. There will be two different domains. One is allocated for the administrator and the other is allocated for everyone else (users).

2. Centralised user authentication for different domains

3. All computers should acquire their IP addresses from a DHCP Server

4. The Company should host a website, so a separate IIS server is also required 4.

5. Your configuration should reflect the above criteria and display different privileges assigned to the different domains users belonging to these domains.

Verified Expert

My solution is unique and is implemented using the system. It uses ms word and is totally developed upon my understanding. This assignment has a scenario which has been discussed here. It is backup domain controller so whole assignment compromises of implementation part of that.

Reference no: EM131653604

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12/26/2017 5:02:52 AM

I have received the assessment even before the given deadline. I hope that the answers are right. There is no issues of price when you ask expertsmind. Just submit your task with all the relavant informations and forget about the quality what else a student require more. Service is always great as usual. thanks


12/26/2017 5:02:15 AM

plz discount me plz make it bcoz i will send many assignment...thx yup i totally agree with you but for the same assignment so please i will you refer more people to you. so please help me out sory fr late paymnet bcoz my card is not work.. so plz send me on tuesday night.thx alot So please try to make it tonight or by tomorrow evening definitely I.e. Monday evening Sorry for that I need it by Wednesday morning A really sry Fr that my student id kaur plz update the information ...thx Plz send me the scenario which u r selected bcoz I will inform my class teacher according my student id ...thx


9/22/2017 5:24:49 AM

Configuration screenshots or commands Screenshots of commands and GUI configurations for each identified technology/features that are part of the report are provided using labelled diagrams (screenshots). 10 Summary Summary of all configuration performed 5 Demonstrations To demonstrate all the configurations using implemented system and report 15 Conclusions Conclusion of what has been achieved in this assignment 3 Reference style All resources referenced properly using IEEE format 2 Total 50


9/22/2017 5:24:40 AM

Marking criteria: Example of marking criteria is shown in following table. Marks are allocated as follows: Note: The marking criteria varies for each assignment Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Clear identification of what technology and/or features will need to be configured to realise your chosen scenario 5 Configuration process description All steps are described for each identified technology/feature 10


9/22/2017 5:24:23 AM

Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. • Your submission must be your own work, and will be checked for originality using Turnitin originality checking system.

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