Reference no: EM133025310 , Length: word count:2000
ENT102 Venture Ideation - Laureate International Universities
Assessment - Business Case
Entrepreneurial success requires the ability to not only identify a gap in the market, but also to prepare a convincing business case that clearly identifies the need that is being filled with the product or solution, to proceed with the business idea. A business case provides the structure around the idea, its position in the market, financial requirements, competitive strengths and stakeholder involvement.
In this assessment, you will prepare a business case based on the Business Model Canvas studied in modules 1-4. The business case will present market research findings including barriers, customer and competitor analysis, the 7 P's, and the likelihood of success of the product when it enters into a chosen market.
Using the Business Model Canvas developed during the learning activities in modules 2-4, prepare a business case by expanding each of the nine components of the canvas in the following order:
1. Customer Segments. Identify and analyse at least two (2) customer segments or ‘customer personas' who are your targets for the business idea. Each customer segment should include age, gender and relationships if relevant, locations, interests, communication methods, drivers, and all other specific characteristics as identified in market research in module 3.
2. Value Proposition. Identify and analyse specific value proposition/s for each customer segment. Include competitor analysis and how your value proposition provides a gap in the market and what benefit the idea provides to the customer/s.
3. Channels. Identify and analyse the most appropriate channels to connect with and provide goods or services to the customer segments. Outline barriers.
4. Customer Relationships. Identify and analyse most appropriate methods to build and manage relationships with the identified customer segments.
5. Revenue Streams. Identify pricing structures and explain how the business idea might become economically viable. Identify the different revenue streams, for example, providing a tiered product with different features that will be priced differently.
6. Key Resources. Identify and analyse human and other resources needed, barriers to achieving the level of resourcing, and any limitations with obtaining the resources.
7. Key Activities. Identify and analyse specific activities required that may either hinder or progress the idea.
8. Key Partnerships. Identify and analyse partnerships needed to provide services to the business, and risks around those partnerships that may be critical to the success of the idea.
9. Cost Structure. Prepare a financial forecasting spreadsheet based on the forecasting template provided in the subject resources module 4.2. Identify the break-event point. Identify any assumptions and reasons for your forecasted figures. Include any intention to seek investors and investment required.
• The business case is a tool to persuade stakeholders and needs to be written clearly to outline the benefits of the idea to the market and the likelihood for business success.
• Provide your Business Model Canvas as a PDF, along with the analysis of each section. You may use tables, spreadsheets, mind maps, graphics or other presentation software to justify your analysis and provide engagement with the stakeholder audience.
Attachment:- Venture Ideation.rar