Reference no: EM132623648
ENMIN 5508 Smart Engineering Technologies
Assignment Projects
Part 1 Research report: Select one of the following projects.
Option1: Report an engineering application of data analytics which you experienced or by which you are impressed.
Option 2: Report a mine development which you experienced or by which you are impressed.
Requirements about the report are:
• Individual formal academic report, including:
o For Option1, a brief introduction, methods used, major processes of the project development, benefits, limitations, and other significant aspects.
o For Option 2, a brief introduction, orebody and mining method, major processes of the development ventilation, mucking, ground control, drainage control, etc.
• No more than six A4 pages including the references, excluding the cover page.
• Adequate citations are mandate. Please note "Copy and Paste" is plagiarism (please refer to the course description on Moodle for details).
• Submit on or before the due date through Moodle. Penalty applies for late submission (please refer to the course description on Moodle for details).
Part 2 Research project:
Project information: Select one deposit from the deposits given below as your design project information.
Deposit 1:
A seam like deposit of gypsum, ranging in thickness from 2.5 to 3.5 m. the total area of the deposit is 10km2. It outcrops at surface at the northern end of the mine lease and dips in a southerly direction at 3°. The floor strata is a mudstone and the roof consists of a well consolidated sandstone.
Deposit 2:
A coal seam 2.5 m thick, located 1000m underground. Dip is about 2°. The mining lease is located in mixed rural and urban area. The coal is underlain by a reasonably competent mudstone and overlain by a series of typical coal measures strata. Underlying and overlying the seam are a number of very thin < 20cm thick coal seams within 200m of the seam to be mined.
Deposit 3
A massive porphyry style deposit located at high altitude in West Papua. Average grade of the deposit is 0.5 g/t Au and 0.8 g/t Cu. The deposit has a UCS of 200MPa and is highly fractured; country rock is similar in nature. The deposit has a large foot print area 500m by 500m and is located 300m from surface and open at depth.
Requirements: You are required to do a major underground mine development plan and the initial (first) underground development design, specifically as follows.
1. Of the mining methods you proposed for this deposit, decide a most adequate mining method and further propose an adequate annual production rate. (Key points to address in this part, (1) if the mining method is optimal and (2) if the production rate is adequate.)(5 marks)
2. Propose a mine development plan for the deposit. (Key points to address in this part, (1) if the plan is rational and (2) if the production rate can be facilitated.
3. Select and Design one of the major underground developments to access the orebody (Key points to address in this part, (1) if the design is rational and (2) if it can facilitate the production rate required.)
This part should include:
• Specify the development selected,
• Design its cross section to meet the production rate,
• Verify the cross section to meet the ventilation requirement,
• Excavation strategies and designs (including rock breakage, ventilation, mucking, drainage control and ground support designs),and
• Any other salient points.
Attachment:- Smart Engineering Technologies.rar