Reference no: EM133542780
Enid is an 86-year-old lady who lives in the residential aged care facility (RACF) you are employed at. Enid has been a resident of the facility for approximately 2 years, before that she lived at home receiving support from a home care package.
Until 6 months ago, Enid needed a minimal assistance, she was independent with a mobility aid, she was able to attend to her own hygiene needs with supervision. Enid enjoyed socialising with 2 other female residents at mealtimes in the main dining room. Her main issues then were urinary incontinence and Alzheimer's disease (early stage).
Enid fell and broke her left neck of femur 6 months ago when she was rushing to get to the toilet in the dark. She was taken to hospital and underwent surgery to repair the fracture and discharged back to the RACF after 2 weeks. Since then, she has not returned to her pre surgery level of functioning and mobility.
Enid is now non- weight bearing and spends 24 hours a day in bed. She receives maximum assistance with hygiene and continence care. When staff attend to her hygiene and continence needs, she grimaces and is reluctant to cooperate. Enid has her meals in her room, but staff have noticed she eats very little, drinks small amounts and requires persuasion to eat. She is weighed weekly on hoist scales and is progressively losing weight.
In the last 2 months Enid has developed a pressure injury to her sacrum. She has been assessed by the Occupational therapist for pressure relieving equipment, the physiotherapist for post-surgery leg exercises and mobility, and the dietician for weight loss.
1. List three risk factors that could have contributed to Enid developing a pressure injury on her sacrum.
2. Name the Allied Health professionals who have assessed Enid.
3. List two nonverbal signs or behaviours that indicate Enid may be in pain.
4. List three strategies that could be used to relieve Enid's pain.
5. List two reasons why it is important that Enid maintains an adequate intake of fluids, particularly water and two strategies that could be used to increase her fluid intake.