Enhance their image in the eyes of an eco-friendly consumer

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131153182

In an effort to enhance their image in the eyes of an eco-friendly consumer, McDonalds has hired you to provide specific recommendations for completing each step of the Green Sourcing process, limited to their french fry commodity.

Conduct research to capture a clear view of current french fry sourcing practices at McDonalds. Then, create an outline of the Green Sourcing process for McDonalds similar to what is presented in your text readings. Your outline should include the information defined within each step of the Green Sourcing process that is relevant to sourcing for the production and sale of french fries at McDonalds.

Your paper should include an introduction that contains the purpose statement for your work and the steps to be followed in the narrative. This will demonstrate your understanding of how to approach the assignment, including the literature review and recommendations for action by McDonalds.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including assignment coversheet, title page, and reference page(s). Use topic section headings for each step of the Green Sourcing process.

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should also reflect professional business writing and current APA standards.

Reference no: EM131153182

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