Enhance local community-based tourism

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133252637

Question 1.

What ways can the World Tourism Organization influence, assist, and enhance local community-based tourism? We did not speak about the WTO in class. Please google this organization. Describe the role and duties of this organization,

Question 2.

Why do you think states, provinces, and territories have different names for their offices of tourism? Explain in detail.

Reference no: EM133252637

Questions Cloud

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Talented employees across large organization and apply : Virtual teams in business are an increasingly common way for organizations to access the most talented employees across a large organization and apply
Enhance local community-based tourism : What ways can the World Tourism Organization influence, assist, and enhance local community-based tourism?
Conscious exploitation of its flora and fauna : India's vision of self-reliance is not only on its technological prowess but the conscious exploitation of its flora and fauna.
Innovation is process of turning ideas : "Innovation is the process of turning ideas into manufacturable and marketable form". Support this statement by using relevant information.
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Types of public health surveillance systems : Discuss the three core public health functions: assessment, policy development and assurance. Discuss the types of public health surveillance systems.


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