Enhance alliance or air cargo operations

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133064471

Throughout our career in air cargo management, we will find that the use of technology enhances alliances, airline operations, and air cargo transportation. Visit YouTube and find a video that pertains to technology in air freight or where technology has an impact to facilitate airline alliances operations. Once you have selected a video address the following statements and questions below.

Note: Please do not explore security technology during this discussion posting.

In the discussion activity, please provide the following:

Title of the video and a brief explanation of Airline alliances and their benefits.

Brief synopsis of the video

What are some main points that you found interesting as it relates to innovative technology to enhance alliance or air cargo operations?

As a manager what could you do to implement the latest technology at your airline? Consider employees, training, maintenance, and operations.

Reference no: EM133064471

Questions Cloud

Organization to operate more effectively : What other structures discussed in the chapter might allow the organization to operate more effectively?
Knowledge of product lifecycle : Based on your knowledge of the product lifecycle, what types of changes will occur to your selected product?
Explain international trade : Explain international trade and how it differs from domestic trade.
Current events in air cargo alliances : Explain how the operations can be impacted. Explain and clarify the pros and cons of having membership in this alliance.
Enhance alliance or air cargo operations : What are some main points that you found interesting as it relates to innovative technology to enhance alliance or air cargo operations?
Demonstrate sustainable competitive advantage in marketplace : Select and research a company from the 2019 Fortune 500 list that demonstrates a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Type of resource flow : The chapter mentions that one type of resource flow is the loss of key personnel who move to another firm.
Management of their data and financial strategies : How does supply chain management help a company to improve efficiency and effectiveness? Why is forecasting demand important?
Corporate social responsibility has four components : Corporate social responsibility has four components. Do you agree that public firms should address all four elements?


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