ENGR8711 Engineering Design Assignment

Assignment Help Mechanical Engineering
Reference no: EM132552233

ENGR8711 Engineering Design - Flinders University

Project Essay / Report

The Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve (shown in the image, right) is a mechanical heart valve prosthesis that employed a tilting disk design.

The aim of this assignment is to study, research and analyse the design and subsequent recall of the Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve.

Students are required to write an essay of approximately 3,000 words that address the following prompts:
• Describe the design intent of the Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve (what need or function did it satisfy, what was its design purpose?)
• What other mechanical heart valves were on the market at the time? (What was the competition?). How did the Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve differ?
• What was the problem with the Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve?
o Explain the nature of the problem and what this meant
o Describe any testing processes that were used to understand the problem
o What conclusions did the company come to?
o How did they arrive at these conclusions?
o What ethical issues arose as a result of the problem and recall?

Structure your essay so that it reads like a formal report - use suitable headings and images
(where appropriate) throughout your assignment.

You must justify and substantiate your claims and conclusions with references and citations. You should use at least 10 references to write this assignment to demonstrate you have read widely.

Ensure a detailed reference list is included as part of your assignment - the reference list does not count toward the word count.

Attachment:- Engineering Design.rar

Reference no: EM132552233

Questions Cloud

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Which would be correct way to complete the recording : Which would be correct way to complete the recording of the transaction? An accountant has debited an expense account for $1000 and credited an asset account
Solve the organizational culture problems : Recommend what actions wal-mart should take (what to change or to maintain moving forward) to solve the organizational culture problems faced
ENGR8711 Engineering Design Assignment : ENGR8711 Engineering Design Assignment Help and Solution, Flinders University - Assessment Writing Service - Describe the design intent
Making decisions on cooperation with other companies : Imagine that you are being interviewed with a reporter from one of the most famous business magazines in the world.
Solve the organizational culture problems faced by wal-mart : Recommend what actions wal-mart should take (what to change or to maintain moving forward) to solve the organizational culture problems faced by wal-mart
Potential value from analytics : Manufacturing, the public sector, and the health care have captured less than 30 percent of potential value from analytics. Discuss why this is the case?
Social responsibility influence purchasing decisions : Does a company's approach to Social Responsibility influence your purchasing decisions? Why or why not?


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