Reference no: EM132881184
ENGM90011 Economic Analysis for Engineers - University of MeLbourne
Question 1. Let there be two goods with quantities x = (x1, x2) ∈ R+2 ie x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0. Let prices p = (p1, p2) ∈ R++2 ie p1 > 0, p2 > 0. Let the consumer's preferences be represented by the CES utility function U(x1, x2 ) = (x1ρ + x2ρ ⁄ where ρ < 1, ρ ≠ 0. Note: parameter ρ in the utility function is the Greek Letter rho not the price vector p. Derive the expenditure function e(p1, p2, U).
Question 2. Let there be two factors (inputs), L and K, (L, K) ∈ R+2 , with factor prices w and r, respectively, (w, r) ∈ R++2 . Let the firm's production function be y = LαKβ where α, β > 0.
a. Find the long run total cost function C(w, r, y).
b. Let capital be fixed at K = K¯ in the short run. Find the short run total cost function C(w, r, y; K = K¯).
c. Let p be the price of y. If this is a competitive firm, find how much would it produce in the short run.
Question 3. Let the firm's output be y ∈ R+. Let the output price be p ∈ R++. Let the quantities of the m inputs be x = (x1, ... , xm) ∈ Rm. Let input prices be w = (w1, ... , wm) ∈ Rm . The firm takes input prices as given ie they are parameters. Prove that the profit function Π(p, w) is non-decreasing in p.
Question 4. Concavity and quasiconcavity
a. Let f(x) = xρ for x ∈ R++. Notice that x here is a single variable, x ∈ R++, not a vector.
Using calculus, determine for which values of the parameter ρ the function xρ is a concave function over the convex set R++.
b. Let f and g be concave functions over a convex set S ⊆ Rn. Let a, b ∈ R+ ie a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0. Define the function af + bg over S to be (af + bg )(x) = af(x) + bg(x).
Prove that the function af + bg is a concave function over S.
GeneraL case: If f1, f2, ... , fk are concave functions over the convex set S ⊆ Rn and a = (a1, a2, ... , ank) ∈ R+k then a1f1 + a2f2 + akfk is a concave function over the set S.
Don't need to prove.
Here f2, f3, etc just means a second function, third function, etc, not the square of a function, cube, etc.
Similar results apply to convex functions.
c. Concave functions in Rm and in Rn, m < n.
i. Let x ∈ R and g(x) = 1 - x2. Show g is a concave function over the convex set R.
ii. Now Let us embed g into R2. Let x = (x1, x2) ∈ R2 and f(x1, x2) = 1 - x12. (f does not depend on x2). Show f is a concave function over the convex set R2.
In generaL, for n > m, if g(x1, ... , xm) is concave in (x1, ... , xm) then f(x1, ... , xm, ... , xn) = g(x1, ... , xm) is concave in (x1, ... , xn).
d. Let f be a concave function over a convex set S ⊆ Rn. Prove that f is aLso a quasiconcave function over S.
e. Let f be a quasiconcave function over a convex set S ⊆ Rn. Let F be a strictly increasing function. Prove that a monotonic transformation of a quasiconcave function over S is a quasiconcave function over S ie prove that g = F ° f is a quasiconcave function over S .
Hint: ∀a, b ∈ R, F(min{a, b}) = min{F(a), F(b)}.
f. Let ( α1, ... , αn) ∈ R++n and x = (x1, ... , xn) ∈ R++n . Let A > 0, μ > 0, ρ ≠ 0.
Define the generalised CES function f over the convex set Rn .
∀x ∈ R++n , f(x) = A(α1x1ρ + α2x2ρ + ....... αnxnρ )μ⁄ρ
Using the resuLts from this question, show that this generaLised CES function f is a quasiconcave function over R++n when ρ ∈ (0, 1].
Note: Need only question 2c,4c2,4e,4f