Reference no: EM132474815 , Length: 1500 Words
AMST/ENGL 3265W American Studies Methods Assignment - University of Connecticut, USA
Title - The Historical Fascist States
Write a short five page paper along one of the following lines. You can follow a different track altogether, just so long as you stay within the guidelines below.
Write a paper on one particular aspect of historical fascism in Europe or Asia. Don't try to address the broad question: what is fascism? That's a massive task for such a short paper. Your job here is to analyze a mere piece of the puzzle, and to dissect a part of the larger whole. The following examples would be appropriately-sized themes for this paper: the relationship between fascism and big business, the relationship between fascism and traditional conservatives, the fascist idea of masculinity (or femininity), the fascist idea of citizenship, fascist ideas of race, the role of anti-Semitism in German fascism, fascist ideas about art, fascist militarism, the resistance to fascism, etc. These aren't the only things you can write about, of course.
Even though your task is not to discuss fascism as a whole, a paragraph toward the beginning that ventures toward a definition would be helpful. Also, in some cases it may be more appropriate to say that what you're writing is most pertinent to German fascism (Nazism), to Japanese fascism, etc. On that note, you can focus on fascism in a particular country, or make comparisons across countries using a specific theme (e.g., militarism).