Reference no: EM133069238
1. When do you prefer cast iron surface plates over granite surface plates and vice versa?
2. How do you measure the depth of a hole or recess using a depth gauge? What are the limitations of this instrument? What would me a better alternative to measuring depth of a hole or recess?
3. What is the main purpose of a V-block? Describe when and how one may use one while taking a measurement.
4. What is the basic difference between sine bars, sine plates, and sine tables?
5. Why are angle gauges also referend to as "Tomlinson Gauges"? Describe a real life example of when an angle gauge can be applied.
6. Discuss the applications of an angle dekkor in metrology.
7. Compare comparison measurement with direct measurement.
8. Define a comparator. Discuss the functional requirements of a comparator.
9. What are the major advantages of electronic comparators that have made them the first choice in inspection metrology?
10. What are the essential features of an optical system?
11. Discuss the important applications of a tool maker's microscope.
12. What are the advantages and limitations of laser interferometry?
13. What is the principle of involute measurement?
14. Define profile tolerance. How is the profile of a spur gear traced using a profile-measuring instrument?
15. Differentiate between two- and three-wire methods.
16. What are the primary reasons for surface irregularities?
17. What is a profilometer? Describe an example where one may be used.
18. How is the interferometry technique useful for measurement of surface irregularities?
19. What is the significance of the word "coordinate" in a CMM? What conditions warrant the use of a CMM in the industry?
20. Compare the pros and cons of the five different configurations of a CMM.
21. Discuss the major applications of CMMs.
22. What is inspection? How do you analyze the economic justification for inspection?
23. What is the significance of sampling in SQC? Discuss for basic sampling methods.
24. Explain the philosophy of "six sigma".
25. Explain the different dynamic characteristics of a measuring system.
26. Discuss the importance of linearity in measuring instruments.
27. Discuss loading effect with respect to a measuring system.
For the essay the student is to assume the role of a metrology manager for a made-up manufacturing company. As manager of this company, your boss has informed you that a new customer has agreed to do business, but they require a quality control plan for their product. Regarding your position as metrology manager:
1. Categorize the practicality of measuring what is supposed to be measured regarding the quality standards that are in place. (Quality standards could be but not limited to customer specific, international organizations, etc.)
2. Justify appropriate statistical tools to access production performance.
3. Explain to the customer what uncertainty measurement is.