Reference no: EM131249418
Instructions for project
The project topic should be related to reliability analysis of a (1) product, (2) part, or a (3) system, e.g. manufacturing or service.
- One good practice is approaching a manufacturing company and focusing on one of the older machineries and/or products
- Another approach is choosing a simple product like a paper clip, buy/ make a number of them... and conduct test/analysis on that
- The project report must contain the follow in pieces:
- Project scope and background
Including existing procedures /methods for quality control, reliability analysis, and/or preventive maintenance if any.
Current tolerance limit
historical data on number of claims, failures, defects ,... if any.
Failure Modes Effects and Analysis
Identification of the problem/s failure/s to be addressed
Importance of the problem (cost, frequency,...)
Engineering analysis of the design
Data Collection
Data gathering/generation plan/strategies ( available databases / simulation/ running test/ handbooks, and source of information should be discussed)
Overall and detailed reliability models
(Reliability) block diagram of the system and/or system flow chart with enough details
System reliability calculation (using parallel-series analysis ,...., fault tree analysis, )
Statistical Analysis of data using Minitab
Including identification of the best fitting distribution/model, parameters estimation, plots,...
Suggestions for improvement
Wiley Series in System Engineering and Management by Andrew P.Sage
Reliability Engineering by Kailash C. Kapur and Michael Pecht
Determine and explain self-care strategies for counselors
: Determine and explain self-care strategies for counselors working in these settings (e.g., vicarious traumatization or preventing burnout). Include a few personalized strategies for self-care while working in a crisis or disaster situation. .
Find the real demand for money
: Assume that the utility function of people in the economy described in Exercise 3.6 is log(c1,t) + log(c2,t+1). a. Find the real demand for money () as a function of z and τ.
Explain the role of the brain in cognitive functions
: Write a 1000-word paper in which you explain the role of the brain in cognitive functions. As a part of your explanation, describe what Phineas Gage's accident revealed about how brain areas support cognitive function.
Patients from a regional hospital
: The following frequency table summarizes the distances in miles of 101 patients from a regional hospital.
Engineering analysis of the design
: One good practice is approaching a manufacturing company and focusing on one of the older machineries and/or products - Another approach is choosing a simple product like a paper clip, buy/ make a number of them... and conduct test/analysis on that ..
Percent of the students are female
: At a college, 55 percent of the students are female and 30 percent of the students receive a grade of C. About 35 percent of the students are female and not C students. Use this contingency table.
Stages of perception as it relates to consumer decision
: How does a consumer's perception affect the influence the website has on the consumer? -Include a discussion of the sensory aspects.
Calculate the total capacitive current to ground
: To find the value of the inductor L0: Calculate the total capacitive current to ground at the fault instant using system voltages IC = VaωC0 + VbωC0 + VCωC0. Remember that Va = 0
Does not evaluate documentation style in writing
: Evaluates appropriateness of voice, tone, and point of view in writing, but there are one or more errors. Does not evaluate the appropriateness of voice, tone, and point of view in writing.