Reference no: EM132486922
ER4706 - Applied Instrumentation Assignment, University of Central Lancashire
Learning Outcome 1. Demonstrate the ability to select and use sensors and transducers typically used in advanced engineering applications.
Learning Outcome 2. Apply appropriate engineering analysis methods in practical aspects of sensor use.
Learning Outcome 3. Collect and analyse research data and to use appropriate engineering analysis tools in tackling instrumentation and measurement systems.
Learning Outcome 4. Use virtual instrumentation and virtual simulation tools to design and critically analyse applied instrumentation systems.
Task - 'Global-Technologies', is a system engineering company that develops measurement systems for different industries to support a wide range of applications.
You have been asked as an engineer in the 'Global- Technologies' company, to design and develop a measurement system that is able to demonstrate the operation of crane 'Load Moment Indicator' (LMI) system using sensors model. The measurement system includes the measurement of crane boom length, boom angle, load, outrigger position, and driver cabinet temperature.

Provide a detailed, professional report for your director that contains the following:
1. A review of different LMI systems used in cranes industry including their main elements.
2. A design of a typical LMI system that incorporates the measurement of crane parameters including boom length, boom angle, load, outriggers position, and temperature. The system design should include DAQ/ microcontroller and any other required elements for a typical LMI system.
3. A measurement software program (LabVIEW/C++) that can be used to provide the following parameters, log the measurement data, and give warning alarms when limits of the following parameters are exceeded.
- Boom length
- Outriggers position
- Load
- Driver cabinet temperature
4. Experimental results and critical analysis that evaluate two sensors of the LMI system using the NI DAQ and NI LabVIEW software.
5. An evaluation of signal conditioning elements that are required to measure the load using strain gauges.
6. Proposal for the next phases of development to include the following:
A. Using of a low-cost controller instead of the current one
B. Other methods of data transmissions; wireless or wired data transmission, and use of the Internet of Things.
Attachment:- Applied Instrumentation.rar