Reference no: EM132547192
ENGI 7854 Image Processing and Applications - Memorial University of Newfoundland
1. Download the test images from Brightspace under Lab 2 and save them in your working directory.
2. Implement equations 1 and 2 as a function to calculate the threshold value for any given image.
3. Calculate and report the threshold values for im3.png and im4.png found using your code in question 2.
4. Develop code to convert a grayscale image to a binary image using a given threshold value. Do NOT use internal functions for this (e.g., the MATLAB function im2bw). 5.Use the threshold values found in question 3 and generate binary image for img3.png and img4.png.
Question 1. Compare the smoothing effects obtained by Kernel 1 to Kernel 5 and the median filters.
Question 2. Discuss the effect the kernel size has on the output images in your experiments.
Question 3. Compare the outputs obtained by Kernel 6 to Kernel 8.
Question 4. Discuss the effect noise has on edge detection.
Question 5. Global thresholding can fail if the lighting conditions in an image are not uniform. Review adaptive thresholding ad explain how it can address uneven lighting conditions.
Attachment:- Image Processing and Applications.rar