Engagement-civic and citizen-driven public policy-

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Reference no: EM132850110

Directions: Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research,

Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields:

Economic policy

An example of economic policy is U.S. budget deficit spending.

Education policy

An example of education policy are the implementation of charter schools.

Environmental policy

An example of environmental policy is the Clean Air Act.

Foreign policy

An example of foreign policy is the interplay between civil liberties and the Patriot Act.

Healthcare policy

An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

Welfare policy

An example of welfare policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

What public policy solution(s) may alleviate the public policy concerning issue?

What could your local, state, the federal government do?

What could individuals or groups do?

Assess the cost-benefits for either taking action or not taking action.

How feasible are your public policy solutions?

How might society react to your public policy solutions?

What are the ethical implications of the public policy solution?

How can one better ‘frame' the public policy solutions?

Reference no: EM132850110

Questions Cloud

Common ideological frameworks : What are the two most common ideological frameworks in the United States?
Is government necessary : Is government necessary? Defend your answer. There are many forms of government we covered in class. Which do you think gets things done the quickest?
Gain citizen engagement : Citizen engagement in public administration is important. During the budget process what techniques/questions would you use to gain citizen engagement?
Transnational and domestic terrorism : This readings focus on transnational and domestic terrorism. Rollins and Wyler write about the connections between terrorist groups and criminal groups
Engagement-civic and citizen-driven public policy- : An example of foreign policy is the interplay between civil liberties and the Patriot Act. An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act.
Understanding risk is also vital element of network design : Understanding risk is also a vital element of network design. Risk is the chance that a threat will exploit or take advantage of a vulnerability.
Principles of the Texas Constitution : List and describe the three principles of the Texas Constitution. List the basic steps in the Legislative Process.
What is main goal of political parties : What is the main goal of political parties? What do political parties do? Why does the US have a two-party system?
Define Civil Liberties : Define Civil Liberties. How do they differ from Civil Rights? Which groups have challenged government and individuals to obtain Civil Rights.


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