Engagement and increase compliance with the treatment plan

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132469943

An older patient reports his vision is good even though he has been diagnosed with glaucoma; his medical history includes diabetes and COPD. He has been taking his ordered daily eye drops sporadically, usually forgetting them. His IOP has not dropped as desired. The patient indicates his friend is taking a different eye drop than him for glaucoma and the timolol maleate is working well. He thinks this eye drop would be better for him. How would you educate him & his spouse regarding: the disease process, how it can affect the patient, and the treatment plan including the eye drops? How can you get his engagement and increase his compliance with the treatment plan?

1. Identify at least 1 teaching point(s) concerning each of the following:

  • Disease process/progression
  • Changes patient can expect
  • Eye drop treatment

2. Identify how you will teach this patient to increase his compliance with the plan?

Reference no: EM132469943

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