Enforced leisure

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13125724 , Length: 500 words

In this assignment you will: 
Conduct a Pick a paragraph from two (2) different classmates. 
Respond in detail to each classmate by answering the following questions about his/her paragraph. 
Place the name of the person you are reviewing at the top of your post and copy the classmate's paragraph into your reply. Place your name as the reviewer and answer the following questions about the paragraph.
1.What is the topic of the paragraph?
2.What details should the authors have included in the paragraph in order to make them more understandable?
3.Where and how did the voices and points of view of the authors change?
4.Quote any passages that you think were especially descriptive or memorable.
5.Where do you think the paragraphs lie on a continuum of effectiveness?
6.Your choices are Very Effective, Effective, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory. peer review of the effectiveness of your fellow classmates' paragraphs.

Monay Hammonds
One of the public services that endured during a time of adversity was the public libraries. According to Novotny, during the Great Depression, library use increased sharply as millions of unemployed hunted for career information and sought light reading to fill their "enforced leisure" hours (Novotny, 2010). In order to survive during this trying time, libraries had to make some difficult choices. According to Novotny, librarians were forced to make difficult choices between services, staff, building, and books (Novotny, 2010). A great example of a library that endured during this trying time was the Chicago Public Library. "The experiences of the Chicago Public Library provide a fascinating case study of efforts to maintain a public service under trying circumstances (Novotny, 2010)". Due to unemployment soaring to almost 30 percent and Chicago being on the brink of collapse, the Chicago Public Library's financial fortunes declined rapidly and the initial response was to reducing library hours and lay off about one-fifth of the library staff. After the library was faced with protests over the reduced hours, the Chicago Public Library reexamined its priorities and branch hours were restored and many staff members were rehired at reduced salaries (Novotny, 2010). Despite all that the Chicago Public Library endured, it persevered during a very exasperating time.
Daniel Laird
Since record companies we're trying to please everyone and prevent the loss of sales and music distributions, they started to distribute two editions for music that was originally labeled explicit.One version was a cleaned up, edited version. This version stripped the entire album of explicit lyrics and references and either replaced them with better, acceptable words or blanked it out all together.This ensured the record would not receive the warning sticker. The other edition was uncut and unedited. Leaving the music intact, as the artist intended. This resulted in this version receiving the warning label.

Reference no: EM13125724

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