Energy needs in environmentally sound way

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Reference no: EM133637672

Then choose the summary that includes the main idea of the paragraph. At first glance, wind farms appear to be an optimal solution to our growing climate and energy crisis. They produce domestic, self-sufficient power, they are frequently built in underemployed, rural areas, and they emit no pollution. It would seem as though the target of producing 20 percent of our electricity from wind energy by 2030 should be only the starting point. And yet, wind energy is not as perfect as it might appear. A closer inspection reveals that it does not meaningfully reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources. -Eli B. Martin, "Wind Farms: Not So Green" Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Although wind farms seem to be an environmentally beneficial way to generate energy, they actually have significant drawbacks. Wind farms may be the best way to address energy needs in an environmentally sound way. Wind farms bring work to rural areas.

Reference no: EM133637672

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