Encountered communication rules

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Reference no: EM133290197


Have you ever encountered communication rules and symbols that are different from your own? (you travelled abroad, you are an international student, you work or live in a multicultural community, you interact with people from social groups you may feel you do not belong, etc.). Describe your encounter. Reflect on the material learned and studied so far and apply it to your description of different communication rules in your experience.

Reference no: EM133290197

Questions Cloud

Europe and mediterranean basin : Christianity moved from being a small, persecuted sect to one of the most important political players in Europe and the Mediterranean basin?
Explain any religion or politics that influence the styles : Consider both visual qualities and contextual ones. Explain any religion or politics that influence the styles.
Roman popular entertainment or sporting traditions : How do Roman popular entertainment or sporting traditions compare to our own? I imagine differences will be easy to spot, but what seems similar?
Effects of debt on the caribbean region : Identify and discuss at least three effects of debt on the Caribbean region. Explain how these conditions have affected your country in the last ten years.
Encountered communication rules : ???Have you ever encountered communication rules and symbols that are different from your own?
Understand learning level of patient : Explain why it important for a medical assistant to understand the learning level of a patient who has hearing loss before coaching begins.
Creating wonder woman reflect : How does Marston's purpose for creating Wonder Woman reflect what was happening culturally, socially, and politically
How can playing with puppets on early childhood education : How can playing with puppets on early childhood education linked to early years learning framework outcomes.
Explain how gladwells impacts on person capacity : Explain how Gladwell's impacts on a person's capacity to become an outlier have impacted one of your successes


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