Emulsification agents for fats

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1381305

Question:  All of the following illustrate why the bile acids are much better suited then cholesterol for use as emulsification agents for fats except:
-cholesterol contains a hydroxyl group as it's sole hydrophilic functionality while chocolate contains 3 hydroxyl groups
-secondary bile salts are readily reabsorbed and reused in digestion
- the conjunction of cholic acids with glycine reduces the Pka
Question:  During digestion, the role of pancreatic lipase is to:
-digest cholesterol into dimethlyalpyrophosphase
-inhibits interactions between lipids and bile salts
-hydrolize TG and FFA and glycerol
Question:  The process of fatty acid elongation is similar to fatty acid synthesis as it also requires both:
-malonyl CoA and NADPH
-malonyl CoA and NADH
-Acetyl CoA and NADH
Question:  Which of the following leads to the formation of atherosclerosis plaques?
-uptake of oxidized LDL particles by macrophase
-non specific interactions between LDL particles
-Oxidation of LDL particles resulting in crosslinking with proteins

Reference no: EM1381305

Questions Cloud

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Emulsification agents for fats : All of the following illustrate why the bile acids are much better suited then cholesterol for use as emulsification agents for fats except.
Fatty acid beta oxidation generates : Fatty acid beta oxidation generates both NADH and FAD2. These are oxidized in the electron transport chain through
Synthesis of fatty acids : Synthesis of fatty acids requires the movement of citrate out of the mitochondria. This occurs under conditions of high levels of acetyl CoA which is required to stimulate the activity of:
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What are the consequences of each alternative : What alternatives are available to you? What are the consequences of each alternative? -How would each of your alternatives affect the other people you have identified as having a stake in the outcome?


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