Emulate good business professionals

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133090861


In business, we always try to emulate good business professionals that are doing the right thing. For this discussion, share an example of a marketer that you believe is doing the right thing in business related to legal and ethical behavior. Why did you select the individual you did?

Reference no: EM133090861

Questions Cloud

Creatures of habit and follow daily routines : Change is everywhere, yet very few people seem to embrace the concept. We are, for the most part, creatures of habit and follow daily routines
Differentiate between coaching and mentoring : In article "Who's to Blame for Creating a Toxic Organizational Culture" Guthrie presents position that as leader, Differentiate between coaching and mentoring.
Constructive eviction and implied warranty of habitability : Steve is renting a property from Billy. One evening Steve tripped and fell down the stairs. What causes of action does Steve have?
Great characteristic of spurious relationship : The great characteristic of a spurious relationship is its power to deceive those who see it. When this happens, it is called a spurious relationship.
Emulate good business professionals : In business, we always try to emulate good business professionals that are doing the right thing.
Do we really need codes of ethics in marketing and business : Do we really need codes of ethics in marketing and business? After all, doesn't our Christian faith guide us as to what is considered right and wrong behavior?
Contract administration office as contract administrator : Consider the five roles and responsibilities of the contract administration office as a contract administrator.
Organization external-general or industry environment : Discuss what might be in the organization's external, general, or industry environment that would influence strategic planning for that company.
What is corporate social responsibility : Describe the sources of unethical decisions and behavior. What is corporate social responsibility?


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