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Reference no: EM1387801

Scenario: You're the administrator on call for a local hospital and you receive a call at 2:00 a.m. from another local hospital regarding a patient with a broken upper arm. The ED physician's assistant is calling to arrange an EMTALA transfer from his hospital to yours, but the orthopedic physician on call at your hospital is refusing to accept the transfer, stating that the patient doesn't need a higher level of care. When you ask him about that, he tells you the fracture is not displaced, and can be splinted and seen in the office. The ED physician at your hospital is very nervous about the possibility of an EMTALA violation.

1) Write an analysis (1,000-1,500 words) of the situation, how it is impacted by EMTALA, and what decision you will make as the administrator, along with your rationale and thought process.

Reference no: EM1387801

Questions Cloud

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Write mathematical formulation for non-terminal : Non-terminal A is useless if there is no derivation from start symbol to string of tokens in which A appears. Write a mathematical formulation of this property.
Neuro endocrine event : Choose a neuro-endocrine program in which you can show the importance of structure/function relationship, organization levels, and feedback control.
Emtala : You're the administrator on call for a local hospital and you receive a call at 2:00 a.m. from another local hospital regarding a patient with a broken upper arm.
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Explain breast care after delivery : Explain breast care after delivery. Explain the actions of prolactin, where it is produced, and what causes its release.
Changes in the mother vital signs after birth : Explain the changes in the mother's vital signs after birth. What happens to the BP? What BP pattern would indicate shock from blood loss?
Housing-economic-social status : The main part of the ACS contacts 250,000 addresses by mail each month, with follow-up by phone and in person if there is no response. Each household answers questions about their housing, economic, and social status. What is the Population.


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