Reference no: EM133776383
1. How should change be viewed by managers and employees to facilitate successful strategy implementation?
a. As an opportunity for the organisation to compete more effectively
b. As a threat to everyone's livelihood
c. As a temporary inconvenience
d. As a reason to resist authority
2. What is the purpose of matching internal weaknesses with external threats, according to David's outline?
a. To address weaknesses by exploiting opportunities
b. To address weaknesses to mitigate possible threats
c. To exploit opportunities
d. To mitigate possible threats using strengths
3. What significant change occurred in 2018 regarding U.S.-based multinational organisation' offshore cash holdings?
a. A one-time 15.5 percent tax on foreign earnings held offshore
b. A requirement to invest offshore cash in foreign markets
c. An elimination of taxes on repatriated cash
d. A new tax encouraging organisation to keep cash offshore
4. Which assumption does Earnings Per Share/Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EPS/EBIT)analysis make regarding stock price, tax rate, and interest rates?
a. They will decrease gradually
b. They will stay constant
c. They will fluctuate significantly
d. They will increase gradually
5. How does business analytics benefit organizations in terms of cybersecurity?
a. By preventing all types of data breaches
b. By analyzing patterns and revealing potential threats (DDD: 112)
c. By minimizing the need for data security measures
d. By ignoring cybersecurity issues altogether
6. Goals should be set according to SMART principles. What does the "A" stand for here?
a. Actionable
b. Available
c. Attainable
d. Answerable