Employees for the final salary negotiation process

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132962337

The owner of ABC Inc. has granted the permission to its head of HR to hire two employees on the position of "customer service representative". The HR head had selected two employees for the final salary negotiation process and finalized the contract with them. He offered Rs. 25000/- salary to Ms. Ayesha and PKR 32,000/- to the Mr. Hamza on same job skills and requirements.

Based on the above given scenario please answer following questions:

Is the decision made by HR right, or its violating the law?

Which law pertains to the above given scenario? Explain the terms and conditions in detail. (Note: you can also do research to find out the proper terms and conditions of the law).

In your opinion what course of actions should you take in order to resolve the issue? (If any issue exists).

Reference no: EM132962337

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