Employees are motivated by many different factors

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133128106

1. Employees are motivated by many different factors, including intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Define and provide examples of these motivators. Which types of rewards - intrinsic or extrinsic - are more important in healthcare organizations? What research-based methods are successful in motivating intrinsically motivated employees. Extrinsically motivated employees?

2. If the root cause of motivation is intrinsic what methods should be used for middle managers? If extrinsic what tools are best for middle managers? How are these tools/methods different? Same?

3. The four E's are Empowerment, Ecosystem, Efficiency, and Effectiveness. These four dimensions all impact patient care and continuous improvement. What is the responsibility of leaders (in the healthcare organization) with respect to implementing and measuring the four E's? Give an example or case study where leadership implemented the four E's and the measured outcomes.

4. Teamwork and collaboration can overcome barriers or become barriers in a successful organization. What does it mean to be a successful organization in the healthcare field? provide at least two examples of successful organizations. What metrics do they use to show success e.g. satisfaction, financial, turnover rates. What are the benefits of teamwork? What are the challenges of teamwork?

Reference no: EM133128106

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